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Version: v4.30


Amazon Simple Queuing Service (SQS) is a managed message queue for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

Tenzir can interact with SQS by sending messages to and reading messages from SQS queues.

When reading from SQS queues, you cannot specify individual messages. Instead, you determine the maximum number of messages you wish to retrieve, up to a limit of 10.

If the parameter poll_interval is non-zero, the pipeline automatically performs long polling. This means that you may receive messages in bursts, according to your specified poll interval.

Tenzir pipelines that read from an SQS queue automatically send a deletion request after having received the messages.

URL Support

The URL scheme sqs:// dispatches to load_sqs and save_sqs for seamless URL-style use via from and to.


Follow the standard configuration instructions to authenticate with your AWS credentials.


Send a message to an SQS queue

from {foo: 42}
to "sqs://my-queue" {

Receive messages from an SQS queue

from "sqs://my-queue", poll_interval=5s {
{foo: 42}