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Version: v4.30


Sends a byte stream via HTTP.

save_http url:string, [params=record, headers=record, method=string,
          parallel=int, tls=bool, cacert=string, certifle=string,
          keyfile=string, skip_peer_verification=bool]


The save_http operator performs a HTTP request with the request body being the bytes provided by the previous operator.

url: string

The URL to write to. The http:// scheme can be omitted.

method = string (optional)

The HTTP method, such as POST or GET.

The default is "POST".

params = record (optional)

The query parameters for the request.

headers = record (optional)

The headers for the request.

tls = bool (optional)

Enables TLS.

Defaults to true.

cacert = string (optional)

Path to the CA certificate used to verify the server's certificate.

Defaults to the Tenzir configuration value tenzir.cacert, which in turn defaults to a common cacert location for the system.

certfile = string (optional)

Path to the client certificate.

keyfile = string (optional)

Path to the key for the client certificate.

skip_peer_verification = bool (optional)

Toggles TLS certificate verification.

Defaults to false.


Call a webhook with pipeline data

save_http "", headers={"X-API-Token": "0000-0000-0000"}

See Also
