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Version: v4.22


Groups events and applies aggregate functions to each group.

summarize (group|aggregation)...


The summarize operator groups events according to certain fields and applies aggregation functions to each group. The operator consumes the entire input before producing any output.

The order of the output fields follows the sequence of the provided arguments. Unspecified fields are dropped.

Potentially High Memory Usage

Take care when using this operator with large inputs.


To group by a certain field, use the syntax <field> or <field>=<field>. For each unique combination of the group fields, a single output event will be returned.


The aggregation functions applied to each group are specified with f(…) or <field>=f(…), where f is the name of an aggregation function (see below) and <field> is an optional name for the result. The aggregation function will produce a single result for each group.

If no name is specified, it will be automatically generated from the aggregation function call. If processing continues after summarize, it is strongly recommended to specify a custom name.

The following aggregation functions are available and, unless specified differently, take exactly one argument:

  • sum: Computes the sum of all grouped values.
  • min: Computes the minimum of all grouped values.
  • max: Computes the maximum of all grouped values.
  • any: Computes the disjunction (OR) of all grouped values. Requires the values to be booleans.
  • all: Computes the conjunction (AND) of all grouped values. Requires the values to be booleans.
  • mean: Computes the mean of all grouped values.
  • median: Computes the approximate median of all grouped values with a t-digest algorithm.
  • quantile: Computes the quantile specified by the named argument q, for example: quantile(x, q=0.2).
  • stddev: Computes the standard deviation of all grouped values.
  • variance: Computes the variance of all grouped values.
  • distinct: Creates a sorted list without duplicates of all grouped values that are not null.
  • collect: Creates a list of all grouped values that are not null, preserving duplicates.
  • sample: Takes the first of all grouped values that is not null.
  • count: When used as count(), simply counts the events in the group. When used as count(x), counts all grouped values that are not null.
  • count_distinct: Counts all distinct grouped values that are not null.


Compute the sum of x over all events:

from [{x: 1}, {x: 2}]
summarize x=sum(x)
{x: 3}

Group over y and compute the sum of x for each group:

from [
  {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1},
  {x: 1, y: 1, z: 2},
  {x: 1, y: 1, z: 3},
summarize y, x=sum(x)
{y: 0, x: 0}
{y: 1, x: 2}

Group the input by src_ip and aggregate all unique dest_port values into a list:

summarize src_ip, distinct(dest_port)

Same as above, but produce a count of the unique number of values instead of a list:

summarize src_ip, count_distinct(dest_port)

Compute minimum and maximum of the timestamp field per src_ip group:

summarize min(timestamp), max(timestamp), src_ip

Compute minimum and maximum of the timestamp field over all events:

summarize min(timestamp), max(timestamp)

Create a boolean flag originator that is true if any value in the src_ip group is true:

summarize src_ip, originator=any(is_orig)

Create 1-hour groups and produce a summary of network traffic between host pairs:

ts = round(ts, 1h)
summarize ts, src_ip, dest_ip, sum(bytes_in), sum(bytes_out)