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Version: v4.29

Map Data to OCSF

In this tutorial you'll learn how to map events to Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF). We walk you through an example of events from a network monitor and show how you can use Tenzir pipelines to easily transform them so that they become OCSF-compliant events.

The diagram above illustrates the data lifecycle and the OCSF mapping takes place: you collect data from various data sources, each of which has a different shape, and then convert them to a standardized representation. The primary benefit is that normalization decouples data acquisition from downstream analytics, allowing the processes to scale independently.

OCSF Primer

The OCSF is a vendor-agnostic event schema (aka. "taxonomy") that defines structure and semantics for security events. Here are some key terms you need to know to map events:

  • Attribute: a unique identifier for a specific type, e.g., parent_folder of type String or observables of type Observable Array.
  • Event Class: the description of an event defined in terms of attributes, e.g., HTTP Activity and Detection Finding.
  • Category: a group of event classes, e.g., System Activity or Findings.

The diagram below illustrates how subsets of attributes form an event class:

The Base Event Class is a special event class that's part of every event class. Think of it as a mixin of attributes that get automatically added:

For this tutorial, we look at OCSF from the perspective of the mapper persona, i.e., as someone who converts existing events into the OCSF schema. OCSF also defines three other personas, author, producer, and analyst. These are out of scope. Our mission as mapper is now to study the event semantics of the data source we want to map, and translate the event to the appropriate OCSF event class.

Case Study: Zeek Logs

Let's map some Zeek logs to OCSF!

What is Zeek?

The Zeek network monitor turns raw network traffic into detailed, structured logs. The logs range across the OSI stack from link layer activity to application-specific messages. In addition, Zeek provides a powerful scripting language to act on network events, making it a versatile tool for writing network-based detections to raise alerts.

Zeek generates logs in tab-separated values (TSV) or JSON format. Here's an example of a connection log in TSV format:

conn.log (TSV)
#separator \x09
#set_separator  ,
#empty_field    (empty)
#unset_field    -
#path   conn
#open   2014-05-23-18-02-04
#fields ts  uid id.orig_h   id.orig_p   id.resp_h   id.resp_p   proto   service duration    orig_bytes  resp_bytes  conn_state  local_orig  missed_bytes    history orig_pkts   orig_ip_bytes   resp_pkts   resp_ip_bytes   tunnel_parents
#types  time    string  addr    port    addr    port    enum    string  interval    count   count   string  bool    count   string  count   count   count   count   table[string]
1637155966.565338   C5luJD1ATrGDOcouW2  43831   52806   -   -   tcp -   -   -   -   S0  -   -   0   S   1   40  0   0   -   -   -   64:9e:f3:be:db:66   00:16:3c:f1:fd:6d   GB  -   -   51.4964 -0.1224 US  VA  Ashburn 39.0469 -77.4903    1:c/CLmyk4xRElyzleEMhJ4Baf4Gk=
1637156308.073703   C5VoWQz890uMGQ80i 8   0   -   -   icmp    -   0.000049    8   8   OTH -   -   0   -   1   36  1   36  -   -   -   64:9e:f3:be:db:66   00:16:3c:f1:fd:6d   US  CA  San Jose    37.3388 -121.8916   US  VA  Ashburn 39.0469 -77.4903    1:g6Ic2EGNte5The4ZgH83QyBviYM=
1637156441.248995   CoMNrWaF6TCc5v9F   53590   123 -   -   udp ntp 0.132333    48  48  SF  -   -   0   Dd  1   76  1   76  -   -   -   00:16:3c:f1:fd:6d   64:9e:f3:be:db:66   US  VA  Ashburn 39.0469 -77.4903    GB  ENG London  51.5095 -0.0955 1:+5Mf6akMTGuI1eAX/a9DaKSLPa8=
1637156614.649079   Co2oVs4STLavNDKQwf   8   0   -   -   icmp    -   0.000131    8   8   OTH -   -   0   -   1   36  1   36  -   -   -   64:9e:f3:be:db:66   00:16:3c:f1:fd:6d   US  CA  San Jose    37.3388 -121.8916   US  VA  Ashburn 39.0469 -77.4903    1:WHH+8OuOygRPi50vrH45p9WwgA4=
1637156703.913656   C1UE8M1G6ok0h7OrJi    8   0   -   -   icmp    -   0.000058    8   8   OTH -   -   0   -   1   36  1   36  -   -   -   64:9e:f3:be:db:66   00:16:3c:f1:fd:6d   US  OR  Boardman    45.8234 -119.7257   US  VA  Ashburn 39.0469 -77.4903    1:A+WZZOx8yg3UCoNV1IeiSNZUxEk=

Step 1: Parse the input

We first need to parse the log file into structured form that we can work with the individual fields. Thanks to Tenzir's Zeek support, we can get quickly turn TSV logs into structured data using the read_zeek_tsv operator:

tenzir --tql2 'read_zeek_tsv' < conn.log
  "ts": "2021-11-17T13:32:43.237881",
  "uid": "CZwqhx3td8eTfCSwJb",
  "id": {
    "orig_h": "",
    "orig_p": 57468,
    "resp_h": "",
    "resp_p": 80
  "proto": "tcp",
  "service": "http",
  "duration": "5.16s",
  "orig_bytes": 205,
  "resp_bytes": 278,
  "conn_state": "SF",
  "local_orig": null,
  "local_resp": null,
  "missed_bytes": 0,
  "history": "ShADadfF",
  "orig_pkts": 6,
  "orig_ip_bytes": 525,
  "resp_pkts": 5,
  "resp_ip_bytes": 546,
  "tunnel_parents": null,
  "community_id": "1:YXWfTYEyYLKVv5Ge4WqijUnKTrM=",
  "_write_ts": null
  "ts": "2021-11-17T13:38:28.073703",
  "uid": "C5VoWQz890uMGQ80i",
  "id": {
    "orig_h": "",
    "orig_p": 8,
    "resp_h": "",
    "resp_p": 0
  "proto": "icmp",
  "service": null,
  "duration": "49.0us",
  "orig_bytes": 8,
  "resp_bytes": 8,
  "conn_state": "OTH",
  "local_orig": null,
  "local_resp": null,
  "missed_bytes": 0,
  "history": null,
  "orig_pkts": 1,
  "orig_ip_bytes": 36,
  "resp_pkts": 1,
  "resp_ip_bytes": 36,
  "tunnel_parents": null,
  "community_id": "1:g6Ic2EGNte5The4ZgH83QyBviYM=",
  "_write_ts": null
  "ts": "2021-11-17T13:40:41.248995",
  "uid": "CoMNrWaF6TCc5v9F",
  "id": {
    "orig_h": "",
    "orig_p": 53590,
    "resp_h": "",
    "resp_p": 123
  "proto": "udp",
  "service": "ntp",
  "duration": "132.33ms",
  "orig_bytes": 48,
  "resp_bytes": 48,
  "conn_state": "SF",
  "local_orig": null,
  "local_resp": null,
  "missed_bytes": 0,
  "history": "Dd",
  "orig_pkts": 1,
  "orig_ip_bytes": 76,
  "resp_pkts": 1,
  "resp_ip_bytes": 76,
  "tunnel_parents": null,
  "community_id": "1:+5Mf6akMTGuI1eAX/a9DaKSLPa8=",
  "_write_ts": null
  "ts": "2021-11-17T13:43:34.649079",
  "uid": "Co2oVs4STLavNDKQwf",
  "id": {
    "orig_h": "",
    "orig_p": 8,
    "resp_h": "",
    "resp_p": 0
  "proto": "icmp",
  "service": null,
  "duration": "131.0us",
  "orig_bytes": 8,
  "resp_bytes": 8,
  "conn_state": "OTH",
  "local_orig": null,
  "local_resp": null,
  "missed_bytes": 0,
  "history": null,
  "orig_pkts": 1,
  "orig_ip_bytes": 36,
  "resp_pkts": 1,
  "resp_ip_bytes": 36,
  "tunnel_parents": null,
  "community_id": "1:WHH+8OuOygRPi50vrH45p9WwgA4=",
  "_write_ts": null
  "ts": "2021-11-17T13:45:03.913656",
  "uid": "C1UE8M1G6ok0h7OrJi",
  "id": {
    "orig_h": "",
    "orig_p": 8,
    "resp_h": "",
    "resp_p": 0
  "proto": "icmp",
  "service": null,
  "duration": "58.0us",
  "orig_bytes": 8,
  "resp_bytes": 8,
  "conn_state": "OTH",
  "local_orig": null,
  "local_resp": null,
  "missed_bytes": 0,
  "history": null,
  "orig_pkts": 1,
  "orig_ip_bytes": 36,
  "resp_pkts": 1,
  "resp_ip_bytes": 36,
  "tunnel_parents": null,
  "community_id": "1:A+WZZOx8yg3UCoNV1IeiSNZUxEk=",
  "_write_ts": null

Step 2: Map to OCSF

Now that we have structured data to work with, our objective is to map the fields from the Zeek conn.log to OCSF. The corresponding event class in OCSF is Network Activity. We will be using OCSF v1.3.0 throughout this tutorial.

To make the mapping process more organized, we map per attribute group:

  1. Classification: Important for the taxonomy and schema itself
  2. Occurrence: Temporal characteristics about when the event happened
  3. Context: Auxiliary information about the event
  4. Primary: Defines the key semantics of the given event

Mapping now involves going through the original conn.log and finding the corresponding attribute. We recommend structuring your pipeline so that attributes of the same group belong together.

Here's a template for the mapping pipeline:

// (1) Move original event into dedicated field that we pull our values from. We
// recommend naming the field so that it represents the respective data source.
this = { zeek: this }
// (2) Populate the OCSF event. We use comments for the OCSF attribute group to
// provide a bit of structure for the reader.
// === Classification ===
ocsf.activity_id: activity_id,
// === Occurrence ===
ocsf.time = zeek.ts
drop zeek.ts // <--------------- drop fields immediately after mapping
// === Context ===
ocsf.metadata = {
  log_name: "conn.log",
// === Primary ===
ocsf.src_endpoint = {
// (3) Make all nested fields in the `ocsf` record the new top-level, and keep
// all unmapped fields in the `unmapped` attribute.
this = {...ocsf, unmapped: zeek}
// (4) Assign a new schema name to the transformed event.
@name = "ocsf.network_activity"

Let's unpack this:

  1. With this = { zeek: this } we move the original event into the field zeek. This also has the benefit that we avoid name clashes when creating new fields in the next steps. Because we are mapping Zeek logs, we chose a matching record name to make the subsequent mappings almost self-explanatory.
  2. The main work takes place here. Our approach is structured: for every field in the source event, (1) map it, and (2) remove it (via drop). For better categorization of the entire OCSF mapping, we group the mappings by OCSF attribute group.
  3. The assignment this = {...ocsf, unmapped: zeek} means that we move all fields from the ocsf record into the top-level record (this), and at the same time add a new field unmapped that contains everything that we didn't map. This is a safe approach, because if we forget to map a field, it simply lands in the bag of unmapped stuff and will show up there later.
  4. We give the event a new schema name so that we can easily filter by its shape in further pipelines.

Now that we know the general structure, let's get our hands dirty and go deep into the actual mapping.

Classification Attributes

The classification attributes are important for the schema. Mapping them is pretty mechanical and mostly involves going through the schema docs.

// === Classification ===
ocsf.activity_id = 6
ocsf.activity_name = "Traffic"
ocsf.category_uid = 4
ocsf.category_name = "Network Activity"
ocsf.class_uid = 4001
ocsf.class_name = "Network Activity"
ocsf.severity_id = 1
ocsf.severity = "Informational"
ocsf.type_uid = ocsf.class_uid * 100 + ocsf.activity_id

Note that computing the field type_uid involves trivial arithmetic.

Occurrence Attributes

Let's tackle the next group: Occurrence. These attributes are all about time.

// === Occurrence ===
ocsf.time = zeek.ts
drop zeek.ts
ocsf.duration = zeek.duration
drop zeek.duration
ocsf.end_time = ocsf.time + ocsf.duration
ocsf.start_time = ocsf.time

Using + with a value of type time and duration yields a new time value, just as you'd expect.

Context Attributes

The Context attributes provide enhancing information. Most notably, the metadata attribute holds data-source specific information. Even though unmapped is part of this group, we deal it with at the very end.

// === Context ===
ocsf.metadata = {
  log_name: "conn.log",
  logged_time: zeek._write_ts,
  product: {
    name: "Zeek",
    vendor_name: "Zeek",
    cpe_name: "cpe:2.3:a:zeek:zeek",
  uid: zeek.uid,
  version: "1.4.0",
drop zeek._path, zeek._write_ts, zeek.uid
ocsf.app_name = zeek.service
drop zeek.service

Primary Attributes

The primary attributes define the semantics of the event class itself. This is where the core value of the data is, as we are mapping the most event-specific information.

// === Primary ===
ocsf.src_endpoint = {
ocsf.dst_endpoint = {
let $proto_nums = {
  tcp: 6,
  udp: 17,
  icmp: 1,
  icmpv6: 58,
  ipv6: 41,
ocsf.connection_info = {
  community_uid: zeek.community_id,
  protocol_name: zeek.proto,
  protocol_num: $proto_nums[zeek.proto].otherwise(-1),
if or {
  ocsf.connection_info.protocol_ver_id = 6
} else {
  ocsf.connection_info.protocol_ver_id = 4
if zeek.local_orig and zeek.local_resp {
  ocsf.connection_info.direction = "Lateral"
  ocsf.connection_info.direction_id = 3
} else if zeek.local_orig {
  ocsf.connection_info.direction = "Outbound"
  ocsf.connection_info.direction_id = 2
} else if zeek.local_resp {
  ocsf.connection_info.direction = "Inbound"
  ocsf.connection_info.direction_id = 1
} else {
  ocsf.connection_info.direction = "Unknown"
  ocsf.connection_info.direction_id = 0
drop zeek.community_id, zeek.proto, zeek.local_orig, zeek.local_resp,
ocsf.status = "Other"
ocsf.status_code = zeek.conn_state
drop zeek.conn_state
ocsf.status_id = 99
ocsf.traffic = {
  bytes_in: zeek.resp_bytes,
  bytes_out: zeek.orig_bytes,
  packets_in: zeek.resp_pkts,
  packets_out: zeek.orig_pkts,
  total_bytes: zeek.orig_bytes + zeek.resp_bytes,
  total_packets: zeek.orig_pkts + zeek.resp_pkts,
drop zeek.resp_bytes, zeek.orig_bytes, zeek.resp_pkts, zeek.orig_pkts

There's a lot more going on here:

  • The expression $proto_nums[zeek.proto].otherwise(-1) takes the value of the proto field (e.g., tcp) and uses it as index into a static record $proto_nums. Since we encounter weird values that we didn't account for, the otherwise(-1) makes sure we always fall back to something OCSF-compliant.
  • To check whether we have an IPv4 or an IPv6 connection, we call on the IPs of the connection record. TQL comes with numerous functions that make mapping a breeze.


Phew, that's a wrap. Here's the entire pipeline in a single piece:

Complete pipeline definition
// tql2
let $proto_nums = {
  tcp: 6,
  udp: 17,
  icmp: 1,
  icmpv6: 58,
  ipv6: 41,
where @name == "zeek.conn"
this = { zeek: this }
// === Classification ===
ocsf.activity_id = 6
ocsf.activity_name = "Traffic"
ocsf.category_uid = 4
ocsf.category_name = "Network Activity"
ocsf.class_uid = 4001
ocsf.class_name = "Network Activity"
ocsf.severity_id = 1
ocsf.severity = "Informational"
ocsf.type_uid = ocsf.class_uid * 100 + ocsf.activity_id
// === Occurrence ===
ocsf.time = zeek.ts
drop zeek.ts
ocsf.duration = zeek.duration
drop zeek.duration
ocsf.end_time = ocsf.time + ocsf.duration
ocsf.start_time = ocsf.time
// === Context ===
ocsf.metadata = {
  log_name: "conn.log",
  logged_time: zeek._write_ts,
  product: {
    name: "Zeek",
    vendor_name: "Zeek",
    cpe_name: "cpe:2.3:a:zeek:zeek",
  uid: zeek.uid,
  version: "1.4.0",
drop zeek._write_ts, zeek.uid
ocsf.app_name = zeek.service
drop zeek.service
// === Primary ===
ocsf.src_endpoint = {
ocsf.dst_endpoint = {
ocsf.connection_info = {
  community_uid: zeek.community_id,
  protocol_name: zeek.proto,
  protocol_num: $proto_nums[zeek.proto].otherwise(-1),
if or {
  ocsf.connection_info.protocol_ver_id = 6
} else {
  ocsf.connection_info.protocol_ver_id = 4
if zeek.local_orig and zeek.local_resp {
  ocsf.connection_info.direction = "Lateral"
  ocsf.connection_info.direction_id = 3
} else if zeek.local_orig {
  ocsf.connection_info.direction = "Outbound"
  ocsf.connection_info.direction_id = 2
} else if zeek.local_resp {
  ocsf.connection_info.direction = "Inbound"
  ocsf.connection_info.direction_id = 1
} else {
  ocsf.connection_info.direction = "Unknown"
  ocsf.connection_info.direction_id = 0
drop zeek.community_id, zeek.proto, zeek.local_orig, zeek.local_resp
ocsf.status = "Other"
ocsf.status_code = zeek.conn_state
drop zeek.conn_state
ocsf.status_id = 99
ocsf.traffic = {
  bytes_in: zeek.resp_bytes,
  bytes_out: zeek.orig_bytes,
  packets_in: zeek.resp_pkts,
  packets_out: zeek.orig_pkts,
  total_bytes: zeek.orig_bytes + zeek.resp_bytes,
  total_packets: zeek.orig_pkts + zeek.resp_pkts,
drop zeek.resp_bytes, zeek.orig_bytes, zeek.resp_pkts, zeek.orig_pkts
this = {...ocsf, unmapped: zeek}
@name = "ocsf.network_activity"

Let's run the pipeline:

tenzir --tql2 -f conn-to-ocsf.tql < conn.log

You should get the following output:

  activity_id: 6,
  activity_name: "Traffic",
  category_uid: 4,
  category_name: "Network Activity",
  class_uid: 4001,
  class_name: "Network Activity",
  severity_id: 1,
  severity: "Informational",
  type_uid: 400106,
  time: 2021-11-17T13:45:03.913656064Z,
  duration: 58us,
  end_time: 2021-11-17T13:45:03.913714064Z,
  start_time: 2021-11-17T13:45:03.913656064Z,
  metadata: {
    log_name: "conn.log",
    logged_time: null,
    product: {
      name: "Zeek",
      vendor_name: "Zeek",
      cpe_name: "cpe:2.3:a:zeek:zeek",
    uid: "C1UE8M1G6ok0h7OrJi",
    version: "1.4.0",
  app_name: null,
  src_endpoint: {
    port: 8,
  dst_endpoint: {
    port: 0,
  connection_info: {
    community_uid: "1:A+WZZOx8yg3UCoNV1IeiSNZUxEk=",
    protocol_name: "icmp",
    protocol_num: 1,
    protocol_ver_id: 4,
    direction: "Unknown",
    direction_id: 0,
  status: "Other",
  status_code: "OTH",
  status_id: 99,
  traffic: {
    bytes_in: 8,
    bytes_out: 8,
    packets_in: 1,
    packets_out: 1,
    total_bytes: 16,
    total_packets: 2,
  unmapped: {
    missed_bytes: 0,
    history: null,
    orig_ip_bytes: 36,
    resp_ip_bytes: 36,
    tunnel_parents: null,

Step 3: Combine multiple pipelines

So far we've mapped just a single event. But Zeek has dozens of different event types, and we need to write one mapping pipeline for each. But how do we combine the individual pipelines?

Tenzir's answer for this is topic-based publish-subscribe. The publish and subscribe operators send events to, and read events from a topic, respectively. Here's an illustration of the conceptual approach we are going to use:

The first pipeline publishes to the zeek topic:

publish "zeek"

Then we have one pipeline per Zeek event type X that publishes to the ocsf topic:

subscribe "zeek"
where @name == "zeek.X"
// map to OCSF
publish "ocsf"

The idea is that all Zeek logs arrive at the topic zeek, and all mapping pipelines start there by subscribing to the same topic. Each pipeline filters out one event type. Finally, all mapping pipelines publish to the ocsf topic that represents the combined feed of all OCSF events.

You can then use the same filtering pattern as with Zeek to get a subset of the OCSF stream, e.g., subscribe "ocsf" | where @name == "ocsf.authentication" for all OCSF Authentication events.

Isn't this inefficient?

You may think that copying the full feed of the zeek topic to every mapping pipeline is inefficient. The good news is that it is not, for two reasons:

  1. Data transfers between publish and subscribe use the same zero-copy mechanism that pipelines use internally for sharing of events.
  2. Pipelines of the form subscribe ... | where <predicate> push perform predicate pushdown and send predicate upstream so that the filtering can happen as early as possible.


In this tutorial, we demonstrated how you map logs to OCSF event classes. We used the Zeek network monitor as a case study to illustrate the general mapping pattern. Finally, we explained how to use Tenzir's pub-sub mechanism to scale from on to many pipelines, each of which handle a specific OCSF event class.