Our Tenzir Query Language (TQL) is a pipeline language that works by chaining
operators into data flows. When we designed TQL, we specifically studied
Splunk's Search Processing Language (SPL), as it generally leaves a
positive impression for security analysts that are not data engineers. Our goal
was to take all the good things of SPL, but provide a more powerful language
without compromising simplicity. In this blog post, we explain how the two
languages differ using concrete threat hunting examples.
Splunk was the first tool that provided an integrated solution from interactive
data exploration to management-grade dashboards—all powered by dataflow
pipelines. The success of Splunk is not only resulting from their first-mover
advantage in the market, but also because their likable user experience: it is
easy to get things done.
At Tenzir, we have a very clear target audience: security practitioners. They
are not necessarily data engineers and fluent in SQL and low-level data tools,
but rather identify as blue teamers, incident responders, threat hunters,
detection engineers, threat intelligence analysts, and other domain experts. Our
goal is cater to these folks, without requiring them to have deep understanding
of relational algebra.
We opted for a dataflow language because it simplifies reasoning—one step at a
time. At least conceptually, because a smart system optimizes the execution
under the hood. As long as the observable behavior remains the same, the
underlying implementation can optimize the actual computation at will. This is
especially noticeable with declarative languages, such as SQL, where the user
describes the what instead of the how. A dataflow language is a bit more
concrete in that it's closer to the how, but that's precisely the trade-off
that simplifies the reasoning: the focus is on a single operation at a time as
opposed to an entire large expression.
This dataflow pipeline style is becoming more and more popular. Most SIEMs have
a language of their own, like Splunk. Kusto is another great example
with a wide user base in security. Even in the data space,
PRQL witnesses a strong support for this way of
In fact, for a given dataflow pipeline there's often an equivalent SQL
expression, because the underlying engines frequently map to the same execution
model. This gives rise to transpiling dataflow languages to other execution
platforms. Ultimately, our goal is that security
practitioners do not have to think about any of this and stay in their happy
place, which means avoiding context switches to lower-level data primitives.
Now that we got the SQL topic out of the way, let's dive into some hands-on
examples that illustrate the similarities and differences between SPL and TQL.
index=zeek sourcetype=zeek_conn id.resp_p > 1024| chart count over service by id.resp_p
export | where #schema == "zeek.conn" && id.resp_p > 1024 | summarize count(.) by service, id.resp_p
In SPL, you typically start with an index=X to specify your dataset. In
TQL, you start with a source operator. To run a query over historical data, we
use the export operator.
The subsequent where operator is a transformation to filter the stream of
events with the expression #schema == "zeek.conn" && id.resp_p > 1024. In
SPL, you write that expression directly into index. In TQL, we logically
separate this because one operator should have exactly one purpose. Under the
hood, the TQL optimizer does predicate pushdown to avoid first exporting the
entire database and only then applying the filter.
Why does this single responsibility principle matter? Because it's critical
for composition: we can now replace export with another data source, like
from, kafka, and the rest of the pipeline stays the same.
TQL's #schema is an expression that is responsible for filtering the data
sources. This is because all TQL pipelines are multi-schema, i.e., they can
process more than a single type of data. The ability to specify a regular
expression makes for a powerful way to select the desired input.
SPL's chart X by Y, Z (or equivalently chart X over Y by Z)
performs an implicit
pivot-wider operation on
Z. This different tabular format has the same underlying data produced by
summarize X by Y, Z, which is why we are replacing it accordingly in our
index=zeek sourcetype=zeek_conn| stats values(service) as Services sum(orig_bytes) as B by id.orig_h| sort -B| head 10| eval MB = round(B/1024/1024,2)| eval GB = round(MB/1024,2)| rename id.orig_h as Source| fields Source B MB GB Services
export| where #schema == "zeek.conn"| summarize Services=distinct(service), B=sum(orig_bytes) by id.orig_h| sort B desc| head 10| extend MB=round(B/1024/1024,2)| extend GB=round(MB/1024,2)| put Source=id.orig_h, B, MB, GB, Services
We opted for Kusto's syntax of sorting (for technical reasons), by appending
an asc or desc qualifier after the field name. sort -B translates into
sort B desc, whereas sort B into sort B asc. However, we want to adopt
the SPL syntax in the future.
SPL's eval maps to extend.
The difference between extend and put is that extend keeps all fields as
is, whereas put reorders fields and performs an explicit projection with the
provided fields.
We don't have functions in TQL. Yet. It's one of our most important roadmap
items at the time of writing, so stay tuned.
index=zeek sourcetype="zeek_conn" OR sourcetype="zeek_conn_long"| eval orig_megabytes = round(orig_bytes/1024/1024,2)| eval resp_megabytes = round(resp_bytes/1024/1024,2)| eval orig_gigabytes = round(orig_megabytes/1024,2)| eval resp_gigabytes = round(resp_megabytes/1024,2)| timechart sum(orig_gigabytes) AS 'Outgoing',sum(resp_gigabytes) AS 'Incoming' by service span=1h
export| where #schema == /zeek\.conn.*/| extend orig_megabytes=round(orig_bytes/1024/1024, 2)| extend resp_megabytes=round(orig_bytes/1024/1024, 2)| extend orig_gigabytes=round(orig_megabytes/1024, 2)| extend resp_gigabytes=round(orig_megabytes/1024, 2)| summarize Outgoing=sum(orig_gigabytes), Incoming=sum(resp_gigabytes) by ts, service resolution 1h
SPL's timechart does an implicit group by timestamp. As we use TQL's
summarize operator, we need to explicitly provide the grouping field ts.
In the future, you will be able to use :timestamp in a grouping expression,
i.e., group by the field with the type named timestamp.
This query spreads over two data sources: the event zeek.conn and
zeek.conn_long. The latter tracks long-running connections and is available
as separate package.
export| where #schema == "zeek.ssl"| rare ja3| head 10
This example shows again how to select a specific data source and perform
"stack counting". Unlike SPL, our version of rare does not limit the output
to 10 events by default, which is why add head 10. This goes back to the
single responsibility principle: one operator should do exactly one thing. The
act of limiting the output should always be associated with head.
In this blog post we've juxtaposed the languages of Splunk (SPL) and Tenzir
(TQL). They are remarkably similar—and that's not accidental. When we talked to
security analysts we often heard that Splunk has a great UX. Even our own
engineers that live on the command line find this mindset natural. But Splunk
was not our only inspiration, we also drew inspiration from Kusto and others.
As we created TQL, we wanted to learn from missed opportunities while doubling
down on SPL's great user experience.
If you'd like to give Tenzir a spin, try our community
edition for free. A demo node with example pipelines is
waiting for you.