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A First Look at ES|QL

· 8 min read
Matthias Vallentin

Elastic just released their new pipeline query language called ES|QL. This is a conscious attempt to consolidate the language zoo in the Elastic ecosystem (queryDSL, EQL, KQL, SQL, Painless, Canvas/Timelion). Elastic said that they worked on this effort for over a year. The documentation is still sparse, but we still tried to read between the lines to understand what this new pipeline language has to offer.

The reason why we are excited about this announcement is because we have also designed and implemented a pipeline language over the past 8 months that we just launched at BlackHat. First, we see the release of ES|QL as a confirmation for pipeline model. In our blog post about Splunk's Search Processing Language (SPL), we briefly mentioned why SQL might not be the best choice for analysts, and why thinking about one operator at a time provides an easier user experience. Second, we'd like to look under the hood of ES|QL to compare and reflect on our own Tenzir Query Language (TQL).

Walk-through by Example

So, ES|QL, how does it feel?

  FROM employees
| EVAL hired_year = TO_INTEGER(DATE_FORMAT(hire_date, "YYYY"))
| WHERE hired_year > 1984
| STATS avg_salary = AVG(salary) BY languages
| EVAL avg_salary = ROUND(avg_salary)
| EVAL lang_code = TO_STRING(languages)
| ENRICH languages_policy ON lang_code WITH lang = language_name
| KEEP avg_salary, lang
| SORT avg_salary ASC

This syntax reads very straight-forward. Splunk users will immediately grasp what it does, as there is a remarkable similarity in operator naming. Let's go through each pipeline operator individually:

  • FROM generates a table with up to 10k rows from a data stream, index, or alias. We asked ourselves why there is a hard-baked 10k limit? Shouldn't that be the job of LIMIT? The limit feels a technical limitation rather than a conscious design decision. In TQL, we have unbounded streams but also follow the single responsibility principle: one operator has exactly one job.
  • EVAL appends new or replaces existing columns. We named this operator extend because we found the Splunk-inspired command name "eval" too generic for this use case.1
  • WHERE filters the input with an expression. We have the same where in TQL.
  • STATS groups its input via BY and applies aggregation functions on select fields of each group. Elastic went with Splunk nomenclature for this central operation, perhaps also to make the transition from Splunk to Elastic as easy as possible.
  • ENRICH adds data from existing indexes. It's effectively a join operation, and the ON keywords makes it possible to select the join field. Interestingly, the word "join" doesn't appear on the documentation. We hypothesize that this was a conscious choice, as a database join may feel intimidating for beginning and intermediate users.
  • KEEP selects a set of columns from the input and drops all others. It is the inverse of DROP. In TQL, we call these projection operators select and also drop.
  • SORT sorts rows by one or more fields. SORT height DESC, first_name ASC sorts the field height in descending order and the field first_name in ascending order. The syntax of our sort is identical. Controlling the position of null values works with NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST. In TQL, we went Kusto-like with nulls-first and nulls-last.
  • LIMIT restricts the number of output rows. In TQL, we have head and tail for this purpose.

Sources, Transformations, ... but Sinks?

ES|QL differentiates two types of commands (which we call operators in TQL):

  1. Source commands
  2. Processing commands

In TQL, an operator is a source, a transformation, or a sink. Some operators can be of multiple categories, like shell.

Maybe this is still coming, but ES|QL doesn't appear to offer sinks. We hypothesize that users should consume pipeline output uniformly as JSON through a REST API.


Syntactically, the ES|QL language is similar to TQL. The following points stood out:

  • The | (pipe) symbol separates commands that describe the dataflow.
  • Comments work as in C++: // for single line and /* and */ for multi-line comments.
  • Expressions can occur in WHERE, STATS, and other commands. The following relational operators exist:
    • Arithmetic comparisons via <, <=, ==, >=, >
    • Set membership via IN
    • Glob-like wildcard search via LIKE
    • Regular expressions via RLIKE
  • Date-time literals make it easier to express dates (seconds, hours, etc.) and timespans (e.g., 1 day). We found that expressing numeric values across multiple orders of magnitude is common, e.g., when dealing with GBs. This is why we also offer SI literals in TQL, allowing you to write large numbers as 1 Mi or 1 M.
  • ES|QL features multiple scalar functions. that perform value-to-value transformations. Functions can occur in ROW, EVAL, and WHERE.
  • Similarly, aggregation functions perform a vector-to-scalar transformation per group in STATS.


ES|QL comes with its own executor, i.e., it's not transpiled into any of the existing engines. A running pipelines is a task and there exists an API for querying their state, which may return something like:

  "node" : "2j8UKw1bRO283PMwDugNNg",
  "id" : 5326,
  "type" : "transport",
  "action" : "indices:data/read/esql",
  "description" : "FROM test | STATS MAX(d) by a, b",
  "start_time" : "2023-07-31T15:46:32.328Z",
  "start_time_in_millis" : 1690818392328,
  "running_time" : "41.7ms",
  "running_time_in_nanos" : 41770830,
  "cancellable" : true,
  "cancelled" : false,
  "headers" : { }

Data Model

The concept of multi-valued fields exists to bridge the world between JSON records and 2D tables. This shows the heritage of the type system, which evolved from document stores as opposed to structured data stores. In document land, every record may have a different shape (or schema). The term multi-valued effectively means list, e.g., [1, 2, 3].


  • The order of multi-valued fields is undefined.
  • It's possible to impose set semantics by using the keyword type. Specifying this type causes duplicate removal on ingest.
  • Other types, like long, do not cause removal of duplicates on ingest.

The output is still semi-structured in that listness is something dynamic on a per-value basis. Consider this output:

  "columns": [
    { "name": "a", "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b", "type": "long"}
  "values": [
    [1, [1, 2]],
    [2,      3]

The column b has the list value [1, 2] in the first row and 3 in the second. In a strict type system (like TQL), the type of b could be list<long> but then the second row would have value [3] instead of 3. Sum types (called union or variant in many languages) are another way to represent heterogeneous data as in the above example. If we described b with the type union<long, list<long>> instead of long, then it would be perfectly fine for b to take one value [1, 2] in one row and 3 in another.

For TQL, we built our data model on top of data frames. We express structure in terms of records and lists, and arbitrarily nested combinations of them. It would be up the user to define set semantics that ensures unique values. We consider adding such a set type in the future (possible as type constraint or attribute) as we gain more complete support of the underlying Arrow type system. Similarly, we plan on adding sum types in the future.


The release of ES|QL witnesses a current trend of convergence in terms of query languages. The pipeline concept now exists for several decades. Splunk was the first company to successfully commercialize this interface with SPL, but today there are many players in the market that have a similar language. Microsoft open-sourced their Kusto language, and we see other vendors embedding it into their products, such as Cribl Search. Most SIEM vendors also have their own inhouse pipeline language.

The data ecosystem has numerous languages for advanced users to offer, such as dplyr, jq, pandas, and polars. And new ones are mushrooming everywhere, e.g., PRQL, Zed.

With our own TQL, we seek to bridge the data and security analytics world, by offering an intuitive language that is easy to grasp, but that internally maps to vectorized execution on top of data frames that can be easily shared with other runtimes.

If you want to look deeper at ES|QL, check out the branch feature/esql. Find something interesting about pipelines to discuss? Swing by our Discord and start a conversation.

  1. We took the name extend from Kusto. In general, we find that Kusto has very self-descriptive operator names. During the design of TQL, we compared many different languages and often favored Kusto's choice of name.