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Tenzir Node v4.21

· 3 min read
Raghav Narang
Johannes Misch

Parsing is now easier, faster, and better than before with Tenzir Node v4.21. Also: introducing an all-new integration with Azure Blob Storage.

Reading in Fortinet and Sophos logs

Tenzir now supports reading Fortinet and Sophos logs. This feature is powered by an update to the KV-Parser, which has been upgraded to allow quoted values. For example, here's how you can use the new parser to take apart a Fortinet FortiGate log file:

Parse a Fortinet log file
from "fortinet.log" read kv
| parse rawdata kv "\|" "="

Using the above pipeline to parse an example file:

logver=700120523 timestamp=1694183556 devname="HA-Cluster" devid="FG200E4Q1790000" vd="root" date=2023-09-08 time=14:32:36 eventtime=1694176357211540851 tz="+0200" logid="0317013312" type="utm" subtype="webfilter" eventtype="ftgd_allow" level="notice" policyid=2 poluuid="2b9647ee-70cb-51ed-d1c3-8e08a2e5fec0" policytype="proxy-policy" sessionid=2096597111 user="user1" group="group1" authserver="DC20" srcip= srcport=57642 srccountry="Reserved" srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="lan" dstip= dstport=443 dstcountry="Germany" dstintf="wan1" dstintfrole="wan" proto=6 service="HTTPS" hostname="" profile="REDACTED" action="passthrough" reqtype="referral" url="" referralurl="" sentbyte=1713 rcvdbyte=238 direction="outgoing" msg="URL belongs to an allowed category in policy" method="domain" cat=75 catdesc="Internet Radio and TV" rawdata="Method=CONNECT|User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/116.0.1938.81"
  "logver": 700120523,
  "timestamp": 1694183556,
  "devname": "HA-Cluster",
  // ...
  "catdesc": "Internet Radio and TV",
  "rawdata": {
    "Method": "CONNECT",
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/116.0.1938.81"

Parsing Improvements

We’ve made significant improvements to the accuracy of all parsers that deal inputs of different schemas. Previously, parsers would often attempt to merge input schemas, which could lead to additional null fields in the data. Now, parsers strictly adhere to the input data. Basically, you now exactly get out what you put in.

Alongside this, we also improved the user's control over the schema produced by the parsers. For example, you can now give a schema to the kv parser, which gives you the ability to specify the schema it should produce.

Parse a Fortinet log file adhering to a manually specified schema
from "fortinet.log" read kv --schema=my_schema
| parse rawdata kv "\|" "="
| …

You can find more information about these new options in our documentation.

Azure Blob Storage Integration

Tenzir now has an integration with Azure Blob Storage! This integration enables users to securely load log files and export processed data back to Azure Blob Storage, all while benefiting from both the flexibility and scalability of cloud storage and the efficiency of Tenzir's data pipelines.

Load 'suricata.json', authorized as 'tenzirdev'
from "abfss://tenzirdev@container/suricata.json" read suricata
Save events as csv to 'data.csv', authorized as 'tenzirdev'

| to "abfss://tenzirdev@container/data.csv"
Authenticate with the Azure CLI

Run az login on the command-line to authenticate the current user with Azure's command-line arguments.

Other Changes

We have made great progress on TQL2 in the last month. A significant amount of the language is already ported and a lot new and exciting functionality has been implemented. You can expect the documentation to be available with the next release.

This release additionally includes numerous small bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements. For a detailed list of changes, be sure to check out the changelog.

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