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An Intern's Reflection

· 7 min read
Bala Vinaithirthan

I spent the past twelve weeks interning at Tenzir and am excited to share my experiences.


My first days at Tenzir felt like the first time I surfed. The summer after my first year, I spent the mornings at Half Moon Bay, trying desperately to stay on my surfboard. Just as I would climb a giant wave, another would come behind and crash against my chest. A never-ending cycle for the weeks of summer.

Now, a few years later, I sat in front of a monitor at Tenzir’s headquarters, left-clicking on my mouse for what felt like hours. Each left click revealed yet another function, namespace, or variable; an endless cycle of waves. As a student who learned from the ground up and got a broad understanding, I found myself trying to learn the meaning of every function and the intricate specifics of the architecture.

Twelve weeks later, I look back at this first week with a smile—both at how much I have grown with Dominik’s mentorship and how little I knew about software engineering and the complexities of these large codebases. In my first project, I tackled problems head-on without understanding their scope. It took many frustrating sessions of left-clicking loops before I overcame my initial fear of asking for help.

Two days into the internship, Dominik walked me through the setup for the read and write operators, how to segment my tasks, and how to celebrate small wins. Writing my first feature taught me to tackle issues systematically, just as one must focus only on the top of the wave. I had done more in that one hour than combined in the past two days. This began the journey of how I learned to ride each wave as its own and respect the vastness of the codebase.

This journey of learning the basics continued as I spent the rest of the first week in a Git rebase hell, struggled with linters, and looked up Bash commands I hadn’t used in years. I also began to notice the differences between software engineering and computer science. Soon, my love of runtime guarantees and detailed architecture shifted to writing code that worked and passed CI/CD.

My time at Tenzir has been eye-opening for my software engineering journey. I’ve learned about the industry standards of modern C++, the scale of open-source projects, and practical problem-solving.

Beyond writing code, I have learned about effective remote collaboration and the importance of community in tech, something I plan to carry forward in my career. I am still growing, both in trying to find the balance between big-picture vs individual requirements and figuring out when to ask for help. Ultimately, Tenzir has prepared me for the real world and continues to fuel my passion for low-level systems.


Here are some of the projects I worked on at Tenzir.

Parquet and Feather Parsers and Printers

Apache Parquet (and to a lesser extent its sibling Apache Feather) is a widely used data formats for storing tabular data. In line with other Tenzir operators, we designed a parser plugin and printer plugin to allow users to read and write Feather and Parquet data. We also adapted the Feather streaming interface to stream Feather data and allowed for buffering in the Parquet printer. This enables the following example:

Convert a Feather file to a Parquet file
from /path/to/file.feather
| to /path/to/file.parquet

Projection Pushdown Optimization

Projection pushdown is an optimization technique that reduces data movement in a pipeline by pushing the projection operation closer to the data source. Tenzir pipelines have several operators capable of projection pushdown optimization, e.g., select, summarize, enrich, and drop. This project focused on three areas:

  1. Creating the framework to extend future projection pushdown optimizations.
  2. Implementing projection pushdown for the select operator.
  3. Modifying the Feather and Parquet data formats to accept the projection pushdown.

We successfully moved the select operator up through the pipeline:

What the user writes
from ./example.json
| …
| select col
What Tenzir runs
from ./example.json
| select col
| …

Projection pushdown smartly detects whether it is safe to move up a projection within the pipeline, operator by operator, and makes it so that the projection runs as early as possible.

Finally, we modified the Feather and Parquet parsers to accept projection pushdown optimizations. For example, in read parquet | select foo, Tenzir now eliminates the select operator entirely and only reads the column foo in the Parquet parser. Before, it read everything in the Parquet parser, and then later on dropped all columns but the projected ones.

We added a print operator that allows users to convert records into strings, providing an inverse to the parse operator. The following is now possible:

  "flow_id": 852833247340038,
  "flow": {
    "pkts_toserver": 1,
    "pkts_toclient": 0,
    "bytes_toserver": 54,
    "bytes_toclient": 0
Render the field flow as CSV
from input.json
| print flow csv --no-header
  "flow_id": 852833247340038,
  "flow": "1,0,54,0"


In between these larger projects, I worked on smaller features and bug fixes.

Specifically, we modified the GeoIP context to allow for users to create empty contexts and load data later—from anywhere. The following is now possible:

Create an empty GeoIP context
context create countries geoip
Load the GeoIP database from a remote location
load s3://path/to/countries.mmdb
| context load countries

We also modified the python plugin to check for syntax errors before input arrives. For example, the following will now error before input is read:

Syntax error: did you mean 'else'?

| python 'self.x = "foo" if self.y esle "bar"'

Finally, we added two timeout flags to lookup-table update that attaches a timeout to each event. The following is now possible:

Expire lookup table entries after 10 days, or if they're not read for 1 day
from inventory.csv
| context update subnets --create-timeout=10d --update-timeout=1d


I am grateful for Dominik’s mentorship and Tenzir, which provided a structured environment with collaborative coding and exciting projects. Dominik has significantly influenced my approach to writing code, encouraging me to consider user experience and maintainability.

Interning at Tenzir was an extraordinary experience. I am thankful to Matthias for the opportunity and for his advice on blending passion with business. This internship was a journey of firsts: my first time in Germany, my first role as a C++ developer, and my first real-world application of CS education. I eagerly anticipate the "nexts," both at Tenzir and in life.

From the Team at Tenzir

We all loved working with Bala—it felt like he arrived just yesterday and became part of the team immediately. This was the first time we've had an intern at Tenzir, and it certainly won't be the last. His application came out of the blue—there was no advertised role for interns, but after we got an idea of his high skill ceiling in two quick interview rounds, we thought we'd give it a shot. And it was so worth it.

Want to get in touch with Bala? Connect with him on LinkedIn and make sure to follow him on GitHub.