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Introducing Office Hours

· 2 min read
Dominik Lohmann

Did you ever want to get a sneak peek behind the scenes at Tenzir? Now you can!

What are Office Hours?

Starting immediately, our team will host a dedicated Office Hours event every week on our Discord server. This is an open-door event where every one of you is welcome, no matter what your level of experience or expertise.

What should you expect from this?

Office Hours is an exclusive space where you bring up your questions, thoughts, suggestions, or just pop in to say hi. From giving insights about our operations over discussing the latest updates to providing exclusive previews of upcoming features, we will ensure that each session is loaded up with useful information for you. It's also an excellent opportunity for you to get a sneak peek behind the scenes, know us better, and see how we make the magic happen!

The topics we'll cover

We encourage you to bring any kind of questions to the table. Whether it's about our work, our team, our future plans, or whatever else comes to your mind. While we want these hours to be helpful, we also want to make it a space where we can share, learn, and grow together as a community.

How you can participate

Getting involved is simple:

  1. If you're not already a part of our Discord server, join us!
  2. We'll announce the hours before they are starting every second Tuesday at 8 AM EST / 11 AM EST / 5 PM CET / 9.30 PM IST.
  3. During the event, head over to the dedicated Office Hours voice channel on our Discord server to join.

Et voilà! You are all set.

Office Hours are designed to welcome all voices, experiences, and perspectives. We look forward to vibrant, engaging, informative sessions! Whether you want to participate actively or just listen in, we're looking forward to seeing you there.