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Version: v4.20


Reads key-value pairs by splitting strings based on regular expressions.


kv <field_split> <value_split>


The kv parser is usually used with the parse operator to extract key-value pairs from a given string, in particular if the keys are not known before.

Incoming strings are first split into fields according to <field_split>. This can be a regular expression. For example, the input foo: bar, baz: 42 can be split into foo: bar and baz: 42 with the ",\s*" (a comma, followed by any amount of whitespace) as the field splitter. Note that the matched separators are removed when splitting a string.

Afterwards, the extracted fields are split into their key and value by <value_split>, which can again be a regular expression. In our example, ":\s*" could be used to split foo: bar into the key foo and its value bar, and similarly baz: 42 into baz and 42. The result would thus be {"foo": "bar", "baz": 42}. If the regex matches multiple substrings, only the first match is used.

The supported regular expression syntax is RE2. In particular, this means that lookahead (?=...) and lookbehind (?<=...) are not supported by kv at the moment. However, if the regular expression has a capture group, it is assumed that only the content of the capture group shall be used as the separator. This means that unsupported regular expressions such as (?=foo)bar(?<=baz) can be effectively expressed as foo(bar)baz instead.


The regular expression used to separate individual fields.


The regular expression used to separate a key from its value.


Extract comma-separated key-value pairs from foo:1, bar:2,baz:3 , qux:4:

kv "\s*,\s*" ":"

Extract key-value pairs from strings such as FOO: C:\foo BAR_BAZ: hello world. This requires lookahead because the fields are separated by whitespace, but not every whitespace acts as a field separator. Instead, we only want to split if the whitespace is followed by [A-Z][A-Z_]+:, i.e., at least two uppercase characters followed by a colon. We can express this as "(\s+)[A-Z][A-Z_]+:", which yields FOO: C:\foo and BAR_BAZ: hello world. We then split the key from its value with ":\s*" (only the first match is used to split them). The final result is thus {"FOO": "C:\foo", "BAR_BAZ": "hello world"}.

kv "(\s+)[A-Z][A-Z_]+:" ":\s*"