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Version: v4.21

Execute Detections and Analytics

Security teams integrate a variety of different detection content and custom analytics to drive turn visibility into actionable alerts. The spectrum of analytics ranges across atomic of indicators of compromise (IoCs), YARA and Sigma rules, Python scripts, and machine learning models. All of these forms require different execution methods when deploying them on the raw event data. Scaling up in both diversity of analytics and volume of event data is daunting engineering task.

Tenzir's Security Data Pipelines provide an execution vehicle for security content across the entire spectrum. This helps security teams to operationalize their detections at ease without devoting precious cycles to in-house data engineering.

Key Takeaways
  • Tenzir has built-in operators for Sigma and YARA rule matching
  • Tenzir supports matching of indicators of compromise via lookup tables and Bloom filters
  • Tenzir has a generic contextualization framework for enriching data with any form of security content
  • Tenzir's pipeline supporting running inline Python code at high speeds
  • Using Tenzir's pipelines, security teams have a turnkey solution to bring their detections and analytics to the security data—no need for in-house data engineering resources.

Problem: Operationalizing detections is hard

Security teams typically deploy several dozens of tools, of which many ship with various detections. Rarely these work out of the box, but rather require substantial tuning to achieve the right right true positive and false positive rate. Mature teams realize that they ultimately need to own the detection content to produce actionable alerts and sensibly dispatch investigations.

Bringing the security content to the data so that it can act is a non-trivial task. It requires substantial amount of data engineering and in-depth knowledge of the execution engine—be it a SIEM, log management solution, a data lake, a custom database, or a mere streaming engine. But why is that so?

Limited data engineering skills

When it comes to translating detections to the execution engine, deeper data engineering skills are required to maintain a scalable system. Security engineers are domain experts and know how to describe threats and look for malware patterns, but often lack the skills to tune their rules so that they run efficiently.

Moreover, security content needs to be deployed not only forward-looking in a live streaming fashion, but also be translated into searches to apply it retroactively. The reason is that there is an inherent lag in the availability of detection content: threat research publish reports with observables and detections only after an attack is already ongoing. By the team the security team receives the new insight, the initial attack activity has likely already happened, and may not occur again. Therefore, security teams also need a backward-looking retro-matching capability for new content.

Live and retro matching often have different mechanisms within the same system, making it complicated to configure for the analysts.

Too many representations of detections

Detections come in many shapes, and they all need to be operationalized differently. This can eat up a substantial amount of time from security analysts, who should rather spend their time with the investigation of the results.

For example, observables or indicators of compromise (IoCs) are a atomic pieces of knowledge, typically disseminated through reports created by threat analysts. Security engineers consume these reports, either manually or in structured form via a intelligence platform. While such a platform may help to organize the knowledge and organize relevant threats, the relevant observables still needs to be deployed for detection.

Ever-increasing data volumes

The sheer volume of telemetry from endpoint, network, and cloud data sources makes executing detections a non-trivial challenge. If you collect petabytes of data, performing a full scan over the data is not just inefficient, but cost-prohibitive when doing so for every detection. Understanding the workloads that detections generate is a prerequisite to effective execution on large datasets.

For example, an engine must handle the continuous churn of observables that describe the ever-changing threat landscape, and use that dataset for continuous live and retro detection. This "background radiation" alone puts a growing pressure the historical and live data event feeds that require a carefully designed data architecture. On top of that come threat hunting and incident response workloads. Orchestrating these workloads Without deep data engineering knowledge is next to infeasible.

Diverse detection inputs and outputs

Building detections is often a bottom-up process that starts with a specific data source and references a subset of fields. Generalizing it to a larger set of inputs necessitates an upfront normalization step. At this point many security teams build on top of proprietary event taxonomies (or schemas) inherent in the log management or SIEM solution. The trade-off is a deep coupling of a library of detections and rules to specific vendor ecosystem.

Similarly, when orchestrating a diverse set of detections that come from different producers and marketplaces, they rarely adhere to a standardized alert output shape. It's up to the security engineers to wrangle the alert data or buy themselves out of the problem by deploying SOAR tool.

Solution: SecDataOps and Tenzir Pipelines

SecDataOps puts data utility front and center by making it easy to manage security event dataflows. Tenzir's powerful reshaping capabilities make it effortless to normalize data into the right form so that detections can run on them. In fact, pipelines themselves can run detection workloads and produce streamlined findings for easy-button consumption.

Dedicated detection operators

The Sec in SecDataOps refers to security data, and detection is fundamental operation on it. Tenzir features dedicated operators for executing detections, such as yara or sigma. If Tenzir does not support a specific rule engine or detection format, you can extend implement your own operator in C++ that may depend on custom third party libraries.

There's also a generic python operator for integrating arbitrary third-party analytics on structured data. Given the dominance of Python in the data science community, turn-key transition to security data enables a much more efficient detection engineering process.

Normalized detections

Normalizing the shape of input and output of a detection is a prerequisite to building scalable detection and response pipelines. Standardizing the input is central to achieve a wide applicability and reuse of a detection. Standardizing the detection output is critical to scale up the number and diversity of detections while keeping the subsequent alerting processes lean.

Tenzir's wide array of reshaping operators make it easy to perform ad-hoc adjustments of the data shape of a particular detection input or output. More generally, Tenzir supports building entire libraries to normalize data into broadly used event taxonomies, such as the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF). This ultimately decouples not only data collection from detection, but also detection from response.

Generalized contextualization mechanism

The line between detection and contextualization can be blurry. For example, a contextualization may be the basis for a detection when enriching events with a "magic risk score" between 0 and 1, and then raising an alert when the score is greater than 0.8.

Tenzir has built-in contextualization framework for high-speed in-band enriching, offering a one-stop-shop solution for integrating third-party context into the detection process.


Tenzir's SecDataOps approach and Security Data Pipelines lay the foundation for sustainable and scalable detection operations. Built-in detection operators jump-start the operationalization of security content, normalization using OCSF decouple data collection, detection, and response, and an extensible high-speed contextualization framework makes integrating third-party security content a breeze. These capabilities dramatically improve the productivity of security engineers and analysts by shifting their attention from wrangling data to hunting threats.