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Version: v4.22


Loads bytes from a Google Cloud Subscription. Publishes bytes to a Google Cloud Topic.



google-cloud-pubsub <project-id> <subscription-id> [--timeout=<duration>]


google-cloud-pubsub <project-id> <topic-id>


The google-cloud-pubsub loader subscribes to a Google Cloud PubSub subscription, the google-cloud-pubsub saver publishes to a Google Cloud PubSub topic.

The connector tries to retrieve the appropriate credentials using Google's Application Default Credentials.

<project-id> (Loader, Saver)

The project to connect to. Be aware that this is the ID, and not the display name.

<subscription-id> (Loader)

The subscription-id to subscribe to.

--timeout=<duration> (Loader)

How long to wait for messages before ending the connection. A duration of zero means the subscription will run forever.

The default value is 0s.

<topic-id> (Saver)

The topic to publish to.


Subscribe to my-subscription in the project amazing-project-123456 and parse the messages as JSON:

load google-cloud-pubsub "amazing-project-123456" "my-subscription"
| parse json

Publish suricata.alert events as JSON the alerts-topic in the

| where #schema = 'suricata.alert'
| write json
| save google-cloud-pubsub "amazing-project-123456" "alerts-topic"