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Version: v4.22


Tenzir's expression language makes it easy to describe a relevant subset of interest over structured data. The "easy" part is that Tenzir expressions operate on multiple different schemas at once, as opposed to traditional expressions that apply to a single, fixed schema. The language captures this heterogeneity with extractors.


Expressions occur in pipeline operators. The where operator is the most prominent example.

An expression is a function over an event that evaluates to true or false, indicating whether it qualifies as result. Expression operands are either sub-expressions or predicates, and can be composed via conjunctions (and), disjunctions (or), and negations (not).

The following diagram shows an example expression in tree form:

When written out, it looks like this:

(dport <= 1024 or :ip in and not (#schema == /zeek.*/)

In this example, the predicate operands dport, :ip, and #schema represent extractors that resolve to a set of matching fields at runtime.

Let's take a look at the expression components in more depth.


There exist three logical connectives that connect sub-expressions:

  • and: the logical AND between two expressions
  • or: the logical OR between two expressions
  • not: the logical NOT of one expression


A predicate has the form LHS op RHS, where LHS denotes the left-hand side operand and RHS the right-hand side operand. The relational operator op is typed, i.e., only a subset of the cross product of operand types is valid.

An operand is either an extractor or a value. The typing can often only inferred at runtime when schema information is available.

Relational Operators

The following operators separate two operands:

  • <: less than
  • <=: less equal
  • >=: greater equal
  • ==: equal to
  • !=: not equal to
  • in: in (left to right)
  • !in: not in (left to right)
  • ni: in (right to left)
  • !ni: not in (right to left)

Type Compatibility

The table below illustrates a partial function over the cross product of available types. Each letter in a cell denotes a set of operators:

  • E: equality operators ==, !=
  • R: range operators <, <=, >=, >
  • M: membership operators in, !in, ni, !ni


An extractor retrieves a certain aspect of an event. When looking up an expression, Tenzir binds the extractor to a specific record field, i.e., maps it to the corresponding numeric column offset in the schema. Binding an expression implicitly creates a disjunction of all matching fields. We find that this existential qualification is the natural user experience when "extracting" data declaratively.

Tenzir has the following extractor types:

  1. Field: extracts all fields whose name match a given record field name.

  2. Type: extracts all event types that have a field of a given type.

  3. Meta: extracts metadata describing the event instead of the actual values contained in it

The diagram below illustrate how extractors relate to each other:

Field Extractor

Field extractors have the form x or x.y.z where x, y, and z match on record field names. The access fields in nested records. Using a type name as leftmost element before a . is also possible.

A field extractor has suffix semantics. It is possible to just write z to access x.y.z. In fact, writing z is equivalent to *.z and creates a disjunction of all fields ending in z.

  • ts > 1 day ago: events with a record field ts from the last 24h hours
  • in connections with source IP in
  • orig_bytes >= 10Ki: events with a field orig_bytes greater or equal to 10 * 2^10.

Type Extractor

Type extractors have the form :T where T is the type of a field. Type extractors work for all basic types and user-defined aliases.

A search for type :T includes all aliased types. For example, given the alias port that maps to uint64, then the :uint64 type extractor will also consider instances of type port. However, a :port query does not include :uint64 types because an alias is a strict refinement of an existing type.

  • :timestamp > 1 hour ago: events with a timestamp alias in the last hour
  • :ip == events with any field of type ip equal to
  • :uint64 > 42M: events where uint64 values is greater than 42M
  • "evil" in :string: events where any string field contains the substring evil

Meta Extractor

Meta extractors have the form #extractor. They work on the event metadata (e.g., their schema) instead of the value domain.

  • #schema: the human-readable name of the schema
  • #schema_id: the unique fingerprint for the schema
  • #import_time: the ingestion time when event arrived at the server
  • #schema == "zeek.conn": events of type zeek.conn
  • "suricata" in #schema: events that have suricata in their schema name
  • #import_time > 1 hour ago: events that have been imported within the last hour

Short Forms

There are three short forms for defining predicates succinctly. They are merely syntactic sugar and can be used whenever a predicate is expected. The following table shows how values, field extractors and type extractors are expanded.

Short FormExpansionExample
value:type == value"needle":string == "needle"
fieldfield != nullheader.reqheader.req != null
:type:type != null:ip:ip != null

The first form requires the event to contain a field with the given value. This allows for quick type-based point queries, such as ( || && "evil". The second and third short forms test for the existance of a field or type. They are useful to filter out events with missing information.


Values of type subnet expand more broadly. For example, the subnet expands to:

:subnet == or :ip in

This makes it easier to search for IP addresses belonging to a specific subnet.


Every type has a corresponding value syntax in the expression language.

booltrue, false
int64-42, +3
uint640, 42
double-0.7, 1.337
duration-3us, 24h
timenow, 1h ago, 2020-01-01+10:42:00
pattern/fo*.bar$/, /^\w{3}$/i
ip::1,, 2001:db8::
subnet::1/128,, 2001:db8::/32
list[1, 2, 3], []
record<x: a, y: b, z: c>, <a, b, c>, <>