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Version: v4.29


Enrichment means adding contextual data to events. The purpose of this added context is to allow for making better decisions, e.g., to triage alerts and weed out false positive, to leverage country information to classify logins as malicious, or to flag a sighting of an indicator of compromise.

Tenzir comes a flexible enrichment framework where the central abstraction is a context: a stateful object that can be updated with pipelines and used for enrichment in other pipelines:

The update and enrich operations can occur concurrently. This allows for creating highly dynamic use cases where context state rapidly changes, such as when modelling the threat landscape or internal network infrastructure.

Reusing pipelines as mechanism for context updates (as opposed to other systems that, say, offer a separate interface to only load static CSV files) has the benefit that we can leverage the full power of TQL. In other words, we can reuse all existing connectors, formats, periodic scheduling, and more.

Enrichment Modes

In general, we distinguish three different contextualization modes:

  1. In-band. The context data is co-located with the pipeline that enriches the dataflow. For high-velocity pipelines with thousands of events per second, this is of often the only way to enrich.
  2. Out-of-band. The context data is outside of the to-be-contextualized dataflow. The most common example of this kind are REST APIs. Enrichment then means performing one API call per event, waiting for the result, and then merging it into the event to continue processing. For public APIs, latencies are in the tens to hundreds of milliseconds, making this mode suitable for low-velocity.
  3. Hybrid. An excerpt of the context sits inline and the bulk of it remotely. When both performance matters and state is not possible to ship to the contextualization point itself, then a hybrid approach can be a viable middle ground. Google Safe Browsing is an example of this kind, where the Chrome browser keeps a subset of context state that represents threat actor URLs in the form of partial hashes, and when a users visits a URL where a partial match occurs, Chrome performs a candidate check using an API call. More than 99% of checked URLs never make it to the remote API, making this approach scalable. Note that the extra layer of hashing also protects the privacy of the entity performing the context lookup.

To date, Tenzir only supports in-band enrichment, but out-of-band and hybrid modes are already planned.

Context Types

Tenzir features several context types:

  • Lookup table: a hash table that associates arbitrary information with a given enrichment key.
  • GeoIP database: a special-purpose table for attaching geographic information to IP addresses.
  • Bloom filter: a compact representation of a sets that allows for membership tests only, with the space efficiency coming at the cost a false positives during lookup.

If these built-in types do not suffice for your needs, you can also write your own C++ context plugin.

Lookup Table

Tenzir's lookup table context is a hash table that can have both keys and values of different types. For example, you can have IP addresses, subnets, and numbers as table keys all in the same table, and every value can have a different type.

There are three particularly powerful features of lookup tables that we describe next.

1. Longest-Prefix Subnet Match for Subnet Keys

When table keys are of type subnet, you can probe the lookup table with values of type ip in addition. For example, if you have a key you can perform a lookup with,, etc. The lookup table will always return the value associated with

When a table contains subnet keys with overlapping ranges, such as and, a lookup returns the entry with the longest-prefix match of the key. For example, probing the table with returns the value associated with the /24 subnet, because it is a longer match (24 > 22).

Modeling CMDB & Asset Inventory

Subnet key matching comes in handy when you are building lookup tables that represent your infrastructure. We often see giant static spreadsheets as "network plans" that (alas often only partially) describe roles of certain network segments. This information can be gold from a security perspective, when it comes to triaging alerts, e.g., to assess whether the crown jewels are affected, or when detecting dubious network traffic zone transitions, e.g., during lateral movement of attackers.

2. Per-Key Create/Write/Read Expiration

Every table entry has three optional expiration timeouts that evict the entry. These timeout are compounding, so it suffices if one of them fires to trigger eviction.

The three timeout types are:

  1. Create timeout: Whenever a new entry is created in the table, e.g., through context::update, this timeout starts counting down. This happens exactly once and the timer cannot be reset. Therefore, a create timeout is an upper bound on the lifetime of an entry.
  2. Write timeout: Whenever an update modifies a table entry by writing a new value for a given key with context::update, this timeout resets.
  3. Read timeout: Whenever an entry is accessed, which happens during context::enrich, this timeout resets.

All three timers start at table entry creation, i.e., creating an entry is the "0th" write and read.

Modeling Threat Intelligence Decay

Per-key timeouts come in handy when you want to associate lifetimes with observables or indicators of compromise. Many indicators have a short half-life and most are obsolete a couple of weeks. To avoid accumulating "garbage" that produces false positives, use a combination of timeouts to automatically remove stale entries. Many threat feeds and threat intelligence platforms provide this information already to generate more actionable enrichments.

3. Aggregation Functions as Values

Lookup tables offer more than just entries with static values. You can also aggregate into values with aggregation functions. In this case an update of a table entry does not write the new value directly, but rather hands that value to the configured aggregation function, which in turn updates the table value.

For example, the min aggregation function computes the minimum over its values. Consider a sequence of context updates with values 3, 4, 2, 3, 1 for the updated key. Then the value after each update would be 3, 3, 2, 2, 1. The example below uses min and max to implement a first-seen and last-seen timestamps—a common pattern during entity tracking.

Passive Inventorization

Aggregating into table values instead of just overwriting the value has a plethora of use cases. A popular example involves computing first/last/times-seen statistics to build passive DNS tables. But also extracting IP-to-MAC, host-to-username, or any other mappings available in telemetry provide valuable context for entity-based reasoning. Our Suricon 2024 talk has more examples.

Bloom Filter

Bloom filters are a space-efficient representation of a set. In case you have a massive number of elements but only need to check for set membership. However, the compact spatial representation comes at a cost of a false probability during lookup. You can think of it as a lookup table without values—just keys, but where looking up a key may say "yes" even though the key doesn't actually exist. The probability of this happening is fortunately configurable.

A Bloom filter has two tuning knobs:

  1. Capacity: the maximum number of items in the filter.
  2. False-positive probability: the chance of reporting an item not in the filter.

These two parameters dictate the space usage of the Bloom filter. Consult Thomas Hurst's Bloom Filter Calculator for finding the optimal configuration for your use case.

Tenzir's Bloom filter implementation is a C++ rebuild of DCSO's bloom library. It is binary-compatible and uses the exact same method for FNV1 hashing and parameter calculation, making it a drop-in replacement for bloom users.

Large Observable Sets

Let's say you have a 10 billion SHA256 hash digests of malware samples. Your endpoint telemetry provides a SHA256 along with every process creation event. You'd like to check whether the newly created process is in the malware set. With a lookup table, you would need at least 256 / 8 * 100^6 = 320 GB of memory. With a Bloom filter that has a 1% false positive rate, you can represent the same set with XXX memory. A lot less!

GeoIP Database

The GeoIP context provides geo-spatial information about a given IP address. Conceptually, it is a lookup table with IP addresses as keys that maps to country codes/names, region codes/names, cities, zip codes, and geographic coordinates.

Since a naive table representation would explode in memory, MaxMind came up with a custom binary MMDB format along with a corresponding library to perform IP lookups. This format is the de-facto standard for geo-spatial IP address enrichment today. Tenzir supports it natively.

Detecting Anomalous Logins

The textbook example for a GeoIP use case involves performing anomaly detection on user login events. When a user logs into a system from previously unknown country, a detection engine often raises an alert. Assuming your endpoint telemetry only provides you with the IP address of the device that performed the login, you can use a GeoIP context to add the missing country information that a downstream detector can then evaluate.