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Shell Yeah! Supercharging Zeek and Suricata with Tenzir

· 5 min read
Matthias Vallentin

As an incident responder, threat hunter, or detection engineer, getting quickly to your analytics is key for productivity. For network-based visibility and detection, Zeek and Suricata are the bedrock for many security teams. But operationalizing these tools can take a good chunk of time.

So we asked ourselves: How can we make it super easy to work with Zeek and Suricata logs?

Purring like a Suricat

In our previous blog post we adapted Zeek to behave like a good ol' Unix tool, taking input via stdin and producing output via stdout. Turns out you can do the same fudgery with Suricata:1

suricata -r /dev/stdin \
--set outputs.1.eve-log.filename=/dev/stdout \
--set logging.outputs.0.console.enabled=no

Let's break this down:

  • The --set option take a name=value parameter that overrides the settings in your suricata.yaml config file.
  • The key outputs.1.eve-log.filename refers to the outputs array, takes element at index 1, treats that as object and goes to the nested field eve-log.filename. Setting /dev/stdout as filename makes Suricata write to stdout.
  • We must set logging.outputs.0.console.enabled to no because Suricata writes startup log messages to stdout. Since they are not valid JSON, we would otherwise create an invalid JSON output stream.

User-defined Operators

Now that we have both Zeek and Suricata at our fingertips, how can we work with their output more easily? This is where Tenzir comes into play—easy pipelines for security teams to acquire, shape, and route event data.

Here are two examples that count the number of unique source IP addresses per destination IP address, on both Zeek and Suricata data:

# Zeek
zcat pcap.gz | zeekify | tenzir \
'read zeek-json
| where #schema == "zeek.conn"
| summarize n=count_distinct(id.orig_h) by id.resp_h
| sort n desc'
# Suricata
zcat pcap.gz | suricatify | tenzir \
'read suricata
| where #schema == "suricata.flow"
| summarize n=count_distinct(src_ip) by dst_ip
| sort n desc'

It's a bit unwieldy to write such a command line that requires an external shell script to work. This is where user-defined operators come into play. In combination with the shell operator, you can write a custom zeek and suricata operator and ditch the shell script:

shell "zeek -r - LogAscii::output_to_stdout=T
| read zeek-json
shell "suricata -r /dev/stdin
--set outputs.1.eve-log.filename=/dev/stdout
--set logging.outputs.0.console.enabled=no"
| read suricata

The difference stands out when you look now at the pipeline definition:

| where #schema == "zeek.conn"
| summarize n=count_distinct(id.orig_h) by id.resp_h
| sort n desc
| where #schema == "suricata.flow"
| summarize n=count_distinct(src_ip) by dst_ip
| sort n desc

It's pretty convenient to drop packets into a Tenzir pipeline, process them with our favorite tools, and then perform fast in-situ analytics on them. The nice thing is that operators compose: a new operator automatically works with all existing ones.

How does it work?

First, let's take a look at the standard approach where one process pipes the output into the next:

When using the shell operator, the tenzir process spawns zeek or suricata as child process. The operator then forwards the bytes from stdin of the tenzir process to the child's stdin, and uses the child's stdout as input to the subsequent read operator.

In the above example, shell acts as a source operator, i.e., it does not consume input and only produces output. The shell operator can also act as transformation, i.e., additionally accept input. This makes it possible to use it more flexibly in combination with other operators, e.g., the load operator emitting bytes from a loader:

load file trace.pcap
| zeek
| where
| write json

Got a PCAP trace via Kafka? Just exchange the file loader with the kafka loader:

load kafka -t artifact
| zeek
| where
| write json

You may not always sit in front of a command line and are able to pipe data from a Unix tool into a Tenzir pipeline. For example, when you use our app or the REST API. This is where the shell operator shines. The diagram above shows how shell shifts the entry point of data from a tool to the Tenzir process. You can consider shell your escape hatch to reach deeper into a specific Tenzir node, as if you had a native shell.


In this blog post we showed you the shell operator and how you can use it to integrate third-party tooling into a Tenzir pipeline when coupled with user-defined operators.

Using Zeek or Suricata? Tenzir makes 'em fun to work with. Check out our other blogs tagged with #zeek and #suricata, and give it a shot yourself.

  1. Suricata outputs EVE JSON by default, which is equivalent to Zeek's streaming JSON output, with the difference being that Zeek's _path field is called event_type in Suricata logs.