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Zeek and Ye Shall Pipe

· 3 min read
Matthias Vallentin

Zeek turns packets into structured logs. By default, Zeek generates one file per log type and per rotation timeframe. If you don't want to wrangle files and directly process the output, this short blog post is for you.

Zeek requires a bit of adaptation to fit in the Unix pipeline model, by which we mean take your input on stdin and produce your output to stdout:

<upstream> | zeek | <downstream>

In this example, <upstream> produces packets in PCAP format and <downstream> processes the Zeek logs. Let's work towards this.

Solving the upstream part is easy: just use zeek -r - to read from stdin. So let's focus on the logs downstream. Our last blog introduced the various logging formats, such as tab-separated values (TSV), JSON, and Streaming JSON with an extra _path discriminator field. The only format conducive to multiplexing different log types is Streaming JSON.

Let's see what we get:

zcat < trace.pcap | zeek -r - json-streaming-logs
❯ ls
json_streaming_analyzer.1.log json_streaming_packet_filter.1.log
json_streaming_conn.1.log json_streaming_pe.1.log
json_streaming_dce_rpc.1.log json_streaming_reporter.1.log
json_streaming_dhcp.1.log json_streaming_sip.1.log
json_streaming_dns.1.log json_streaming_smb_files.1.log
json_streaming_dpd.1.log json_streaming_smb_mapping.1.log
json_streaming_files.1.log json_streaming_snmp.1.log
json_streaming_http.1.log json_streaming_ssl.1.log
json_streaming_kerberos.1.log json_streaming_tunnel.1.log
json_streaming_ntlm.1.log json_streaming_weird.1.log
json_streaming_ntp.1.log json_streaming_x509.1.log

The json-streaming-package prepends a distinguishing prefix to the filename. The *.N.log suffix counts the rotations, e.g., *.1.log means the logs from the first batch.

Let's try to avoid the files altogether and send the contents of these file to stdout. This requires a bit of option fiddling to achieve the desired result:

zcat < trace.pcap |
zeek -r - \
LogAscii::output_to_stdout=T \
JSONStreaming::disable_default_logs=T \
JSONStreaming::enable_log_rotation=F \

This requires a bit explanation:

  • LogAscii::output_to_stdout=T redirects the log output to stdout.
  • JSONStreaming::disable_default_logs=T disables the default TSV logs. Without this option, Zeek will print both TSV and NDJSON to stdout.
  • JSONStreaming::enable_log_rotation=F disables log rotation. This is needed because the option output_to_stdout=T sets the internal filenames to /dev/stdout, which Zeek then tries to rotate away. Better not.

Here's the result you'd expect, which is basically a cat *.log:

{"_path":"http","_write_ts":"2021-11-17T13:32:43.250616Z","ts":"2021-11-17T13:32:43.249475Z","uid":"CHhfpE1dTbPgBTR24","id.orig_h":"","id.orig_p":57468,"id.resp_h":"","id.resp_p":80,"trans_depth":1,"method":"GET","host":"","uri":"/","version":"1.1","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36 ","request_body_len":0,"response_body_len":51,"status_code":200,"status_msg":"OK","tags":[],"resp_fuids":["FhEFqzHx1hVpkhWci"],"resp_mime_types":["text/html"]}
{"_path":"packet_filter","_write_ts":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z","ts":"2023-07-11T03:30:17.189787Z","node":"zeek","filter":"ip or not ip","init":true,"success":true}

Nobody can remember this invocation. Especially during firefighting when you quickly need to plow through a trace to understand it. So we want to wrap this somehow:

zeek -r - \
LogAscii::output_to_stdout=T \
JSONStreaming::disable_default_logs=T \
JSONStreaming::enable_log_rotation=F \
json-streaming-logs \

Now we're in pipeline land:

zcat pcap.gz | zeekify | head | jq -r ._path

Okay, we got Zeek as a Unix pipe. But now you have to wrangle the JSON with jq. Unless you're a die-hard fan, even simple analytics, like filtering or aggregating, have a steep learning curve. In the next blog post, we'll double down on the elegant principle of pipelines and show how you can take do easy in-situ analytics with Tenzir.