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5 posts tagged with "operators"

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· 4 min read
Dominik Lohmann

Here comes Tenzir v4.5! This release ships a potpourri of smaller improvements that result in faster historical query execution and better deployability.

· 3 min read
Dominik Lohmann

Tenzir v4.4 is out! We've focused this release on integrations with two pillars of the digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) ecosystem: YARA and Velociraptor.

· 7 min read
Jannis Christopher Köhl
Matthias Vallentin

Exciting times, Tenzir v4.3 is out! The headlining feature is Fluent Bit support with the fluent-bit source and sink operators. Imagine you can use all Fluent Bit connectors plus what Tenzir already offers. What a treat!

· 4 min read
Dominik Lohmann

After our successful launch of of Tenzir v4.0 at Black Hat, the new v4.1 release continues with several enhancements based on early feedback. We bring to you a (i) new mechanism to pause pipelines, (ii) a new operator to match Sigma rules, (iii) new operators for in-pipeline (de)compression, and (iv) a revamp of the show operator.