Platform CLI
The Tenzir Platform CLI allows users to interact with the Tenzir Platform from the command-line to manage their workspaces and nodes.
Install the tenzir-platform
package from PyPI.
pip install tenzir-platform
tenzir-platform auth login
tenzir-platform workspace list
tenzir-platform workspace select <workspace_id>
The tenzir-platform auth login
command authenticates the current user.
The tenzir-platform workspace list
and tenzir-platform workspace select
commands show workspaces available to the authenticated user and select one,
The unique ID of the workspace, as shown in tenzir-platform workspace list
Manage Nodes
tenzir-platform node list
tenzir-platform node ping <node_id>
tenzir-platform node create [--name <node_name>]
tenzir-platform node delete <node_id>
tenzir-platform node run [--name <node_name>] [--image <container_image>]
The following commands interact with the selected workspace. See Authentication above for how to select a workspace:
tenzir-platform node list
lists all nodes in the selected workspace, including their ID, name, and connection status.tenzir-platform node ping
pings the specified node.tenzir-platform node create
registers a new node at the platform so that it can be connected to the platform. Note that this neither starts a new node nor configures one, it just creates a new API key that a node can use to connect to the platform with.tenzir-platform node delete
removes a node from the platform. Note that this does not stop the node, it just removes it from the platform.tenzir-platform node run
creates and registers an ad-hoc node, and starts it on the local host. Requires Docker Compose to be available. The node is temporary and will be deleted when therun
command is stopped.
The unique ID of the node, as shown in tenzir-platform node list
The name of the node as shown in the app.
The Docker image to use for ad-hoc created node. We recommend using one of the following images:
to use the specified release.tenzir/tenzir:latest
to use the last release.tenzir/tenzir:main
to use the currnet development version.
Manage Alerts
tenzir-platform alert add <node> <duration> <webhook_url> [<webhook_body>]
tenzir-platform alert delete <alert_id>
tenzir-platform alert list
The following commands allow for setting up alerts for specific nodes. After a node has been disconnected for the configured amount of time, an alert fires by performing a POST request against the configured webhook URL.
The node to be monitored. Can be given provided as a node ID or a node name, as long as the name is unambiguous.
The amount of time to wait between the node disconnect and triggering the alert.
The platform performs a POST request against this URL when the alert triggers.
The body to send along with the webhook. Must be valid JSON. The body may
contain the string $NODE_NAME
, which will be replaced by the name of the
node that triggered the alert.
Defaults to {"text": "Node $NODE_NAME disconnected for more than {duration}s"}
where node_id
and duration
are set dynamically from the CLI parameters.
Given nodes like this:
$ tenzir-platform node list
🟢 Node-1 (n-w2tjezz3)
🟢 Node-2 (n-kzw21299)
🔴 Node-3 (n-ie2tdgca)
We want to receive a Slack notification whenever Node-3 is offline for more than 3 minutes. First we create a webhook as described in the Slack docs. Next, we configure the alert in the Tenzir Platform:
$ tenzir-platform alert add Node-3 3m "" '{"text": "Alert! Look after node $NODE_NAME"}'
Unless Node-3 reconnects, we should see a message appear after 3 minutes in the configured Slack channel.
Manage Workspaces
This functionality of the CLI can only be used in combination with an on-premise platform deployment, which is available to users of the Sovereign Edition.
These CLI commands are only available to local platform administrators.
variable described
here is used
to define who is an administrator in your platform deployment.
tenzir-platform admin list-global-workspaces
tenzir-platform admin create-workspace <owner_namespace> <owner_id> [--name <workspace_name>]
tenzir-platform admin delete-workspace <workspace_id>
The tenzir-platform workspace admin list-global-workspaces
, tenzir-platform
admin create-workspace
, and tenzir-platform admin delete-workspace
list, create, or delete workspaces, respectively.
Either user
or organization
, depending on whether the workspace is
associated with a user or an organization.
The selected namespace will determine the default access rules for the workspace:
- For a user workspace, a single access rule will be created that allows
access to the user whose user id matches the given
- For an organization workspace, no rules will be created by default and
they have to be manually added using the
subcommand described below.
The unique ID of the workspace owner:
- If
, then this matches the user'ssub
claim in the OIDC token. - If
, then this is an arbitrary string uniquely identifiying the organization the workspace belongs to.
--name <workspace_name>
The name of the workspace as shown in the app.
The unique ID of the workspace, as shown in tenzir-platform workspace list
tenzir-platform admin list-global-workspaces
Configure Access Rules
This functionality of the CLI can only be used in combination with an on-premise platform deployment, which is available to users of the Sovereign Edition.
These CLI commands are only available to local platform administrators.
variable described
here is used
to define who is an administrator in your platform deployment.
tenzir-platform admin list-auth-rules <workspace_id>
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule [--dry-run]
email-domain <workspace_id> <connection> <domain>
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule [--dry-run]
organization-membership <workspace_id> <connection> <organization_claim> <organization>
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule [--dry-run]
organization-role <workspace_id> <connection> <roles_claim> <role> <organization_claim> <organization>
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule [--dry-run]
user <workspace_id> <user_id>
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule [--dry-run]
allow-all <workspace_id>
tenzir-platform admin delete-auth-rule <workspace_id> <auth_rule_index>
Users with admin permissions can additionally use the tenzir-platform admin
, tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule
, and tenzir-platform
admin delete-auth-rule
commands to list, create, or delete authentication rules
for all users, respectively.
Authentication rules allow users to access the workspace with the provided
if the user's id_token
matches the configured rule. Users
have access to a workspace if any configured rule allows access. The following
rules exist:
Email Suffix Rule:
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule email-domain
allows access if theid_token
contains a fieldconnection
that exactly matches the provided<connection>
and a fieldemail
that ends with the configured<domain>
.Organization Membership:
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule organization-membership
allows access if theid_token
contains a fieldconnection
that exactly matches the provided<connection>
and a field<organization_claim>
that exactly matches the provided<organization>
.Note that the
can be freely chosen, so this rule can also be repurposed for generic claims that are not necessarily related to organizations.Organization Role Rule:
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule organization-role
allows access if theid_token
contains a fieldconnection
that exactly matches the provided<connection>
, a field<organization_claim>
that exactly matches the provided<organization>
, and a field<roles_claim>
that must be a list containing a value exactly matching<role>
.We recommend using organization role rules to check if a user has a specific role with an organization.
User Rule:
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule user
allows access if theid_token
contains a fieldsub
that exactly matches the provided<user_id>
.Allow All Rule:
tenzir-platform admin add-auth-rule allow-all
allows access to every user. This can be useful to e.g. set up a workspace that is shared by all users of a platform instance.