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Version: v4.21


Enriches events with a context.


enrich <name>          [--field <field...>] [--replace] [--filter] [--separate]
[--yield <field>] [<context-options>]
enrich <output>=<name> [--field <field...>] [--filter] [--separate]
[--yield <field>] [<context-options>]


The enrich operator applies a context, extending input events with a new field defined by the context.


The name of the context to enrich with.


The name of the field in which to store the context's enrichment. Defaults to the name of the context.

--field <field...>

A comma-separated list of fields, type extractors, or concepts to match.


Replace the given fields with their respective context, omitting all meta-information.


Filter events that do not match the context.

This option is incompatible with --replace.


When multiple fields are provided, e.g., when using --field :ip to enrich all IP address fields, duplicate the event for every provided field and enrich them individually.

When using the option, the context moves from <output>.context.<path...> to <output> in the resulting event, with a new field <output>.path containing the enriched path.

--yield <path>

Provide a field into the context object to use as the context instead. If the key does not exist within the context, a null value is used instead.


Optional, context-specific options in the format --key value or --flag. Refer to the documentation of the individual contexts for these.


Apply the lookup-table context feodo to suricata.flow events, using the dest_ip field as the field to compare the context key against.

| where #schema == "suricata.flow"
| enrich feodo --field dest_ip

To return only events that have a context, use:

| where #schema == "suricata.flow"
| enrich feodo --field dest_ip --filter