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Version: v4.21


Shows the installed packages.


packages [--format=<format>]


The packages operator lists all installed packages.


This option controls the output format of the packages operator. Valid options are compact (the default) and extended. See the Schemas section below for more details.


The output of the packages operator can be controlled by the --format parameter. There are currently two formats defined, the compact format intended for human operators and the extended format intended for use by shell scripts and other programs.


The compact format prints the package information according to the following schema:

idstringThe unique package id.
namestringThe name of this package.
authorstringThe package author.
descriptionstringThe description of this package.
configrecordThe user-provided package configuration


The extended format is mainly intended for use by non-human consumers, like shell scripts or frontend code. It contains all available information about a package.

package_definitionrecordThe original package definition object asa found in the library.
resolved_packagerecordThe effective package definition that was produced by applying all inputs and overrides from the config section and removing all disabled pipelines and contexts.
configrecordThe user-provided package configuration.
package_statusrecordRun-time information about the package provided the package manager.

The config object has the following schema, where all fields are optional:

versionstringThe package version.
sourcerecordThe upstream location of the package definition.
inputsrecordUser-provided values for the package inputs.
overridesrecordUser-provided overrides for fields in the package definition.
metadatarecordAn opaque record that can be set during installation.

The package_status object has the following schema:

install_statestringThe install state of this package. One of installing, installed, removing or zombie.
from_configurationboolWhether the package was installed from the package add operator or from a configuration file.


Show a list of installed packages in compact format:



"id": "feodo",
"name": "Feodo Abuse Blocklist",
"author": "Tenzir",
"description": "Feodo Tracker is a project of with the goal of sharing botnet C&C\nservers associated with Dridex, Emotet (aka Heodo), TrickBot, QakBot (aka\nQuakBot / Qbot) and BazarLoader (aka BazarBackdoor). It offers various\nblocklists, helping network owners to protect their users from Dridex and\nEmotet/Heodo.\n",
"config": {
"inputs": {},
"overrides": {}