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Version: v4.22


Compresses a stream of bytes.

compress codec:str, [level=int]


The compress operator compresses bytes in a pipeline incrementally with a known codec.

Streaming Compression

The operator uses Apache Arrow's compression utilities under the hood, and transparently supports all options that Apache Arrow supports for streaming compression.

Besides the supported brotli, bz2, gzip, lz4, and zstd, Apache Arrow also ships with codecs for lzo, lz4_raw, lz4_hadoop and snappy, which only support oneshot compression. Support for them is not currently implemented.

codec: str

An identifier of the codec to use. Currently supported are brotli, bz2, gzip, lz4, and zstd.

level = int (optional)

The compression level to use. The supported values depend on the codec used. If omitted, the default level for the codec is used.


Export all events in a Gzip-compressed NDJSON file:

write_json ndjson=true
compress "gzip"
save_file "/tmp/backup.json.gz"

Recompress a Zstd-compressed file at a higher compression level:

load_file "in.zst"
decompress "zstd"
compress "zstd", level=18
save_file "out.zst"