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Version: v4.22


Retrieves diagnostic events from a Tenzir node.

diagnostics [live=bool, retro=bool]


The diagnostics operator retrieves diagnostic events from a Tenzir node.

live = bool (optional)

If true, emits diagnostic events as they are generated in real-time. Unless retro=true is also given, this makes it so that previous diagnostics events are not returned.

retro = bool (optional)

Return diagnostic events that were generated in the past. Unless live=true is given, this is the default. If both are set to true, all previous events are returned before beginning with the live events.


Tenzir emits diagnostic information with the following schema:


Contains detailed information about the diagnostic.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline that created the diagnostic.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
timestamptimeThe exact timestamp of the diagnostic creation.
messagestringThe diagnostic message.
severitystringThe diagnostic severity.
noteslist<record>The diagnostic notes. Can be empty.
annotationslist<record>The diagnostic annotations. Can be empty.
renderedstringThe rendered diagnostic, as printed on the command-line.

The records in notes have the following schema:

kindstringThe kind of note, which is note, usage, hint or docs.
messagestringThe message of this note.

The records in annotations have the following schema:

primaryboolTrue if the source represents the underlying reason for the diagnostic, false if it is only related to it.
textstringA message for explanations. Can be empty.
sourcestringThe character range in the pipeline string that this annotation is associated to.


View all diagnostics generated in the past five minutes.

where timestamp > now() - 5min

Get a live feed of error diagnostics as they are emitted.

diagnostics live=true
where severity == "error"