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Version: v4.29


This page documents workflows concerning developer-facing GitHub infrastructure.

Synchronize issue labels

To ensure that issue and pull request labels are consistent within and across several of our repositories, we use GitHub Label Sync.

To synchronize the labels, run:

github-label-sync --access-token TOKEN --labels labels.yml REPO

TOKEN is a personal GitHub Access Token and REPO the GitHub repository, e.g., tenzir/tenzir. The labels configuration labels.yml is part of this repository and has the following contents:

# This file contains the configuration for GitHub Label Sync.
# Usage:
# github-label-sync --access-token TOKEN --labels labels.yaml REPO
# Where TOKEN is a GitHub Access Token and REPO the repository name to apply
# this configuration file to, e.g., tenzir/tenzir.
# For details, see:

# Status
- name: blocked
color: dddddd
description: Blocked by an (external) issue
# Type of work
- name: bug
color: fbca04
description: Incorrect behavior
- name: feature
color: fbca04
description: New functionality
- name: improvement
color: fbca04
description: An incremental enhancement of an existing feature
- name: maintenance
color: fbca04
description: Tasks for keeping up the infrastructure
- name: performance
color: fbca04
description: Improvements or regressions of performance
- name: refactoring
color: fbca04
description: Restructuring of existing code
# Code base part
- name: ci
color: 0366d6
description: Continuous integration and delivery
- name: dependencies
color: 0366d6
description: Update of dependent software
- name: docs
color: 0366d6
description: Documentation and blog
- name: packaging
color: 0366d6
description: Relating to the build scaffold
- name: rfc
color: 0366d6
description: A Request For Comments (RFC)
# Functionality
- name: app
color: d93f0b
description: Our app at
- name: platform
color: d93f0b
description: The infra behind
- name: engine
color: d93f0b
description: Core pipeline and storage engine
- name: connector
color: d93f0b
description: Loader and saver
- name: format
color: d93f0b
description: Parser and printer
- name: operator
color: d93f0b
description: Source, transformation, and sink
- name: language
color: d93f0b
description: Tenzir Query Language (TQL)
- name: integration
color: d93f0b
description: Integration with third-party tools