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Version: v4.29


Tenzir's type system is a superset of JSON. That is, every valid JSON object is a valid Tenzir value, but there also additional types available, such as ip and subnet.


The diagram below illustrates the type system at a glance:

Basic Types

Basic types are stateless types with a static structure. The following basic types exist:

noneDenotes an absent or invalid value
boolA boolean value
int64A 64-bit signed integer
uint64A 64-bit unsigned integer
doubleA 64-bit double (IEEE 754)
durationA time span (nanosecond granularity)
timeA time point (nanosecond granularity)
stringA UTF-8 encoded string
blobAn arbitrary sequence of bytes
ipAn IPv4 or IPv6 address
subnetAn IPv4 or IPv6 subnet

Complex Types

Complex types are stateful types that carry additional runtime information.


The enum type is a list of predefined string values. It comes in handy for low-cardinality values from a fixed set of options.

Tenzir implements an enum as an Arrow Dictionary.


The list type is an ordered sequence of values with a fixed element type.

Lists have zero or more elements.


The record type consists of an ordered sequence fields, each of which have a name and type. Records must have at least one field.

The field name is an arbitrary UTF-8 string.

The field type is any Tenzir type.


All types are optional in that there exists an additional null data point in every value domain. Consequently, Tenzir does not have a special type to indicate optionality.


Every type has zero or more attributes, which are free-form key-value pairs to enrich types with custom semantics.

Comparison to Arrow

All Tenzir types have a lossless mapping to Arrow types, however, not all Arrow types have a Tenzir equivalent. As a result, it is currently not yet possible to import arbitrary Arrow data. In the future, we plan to extend our support for Arrow-native types and also offer conversion options for seamless data handover.

Tenzir has a few domain-specific types that map to Arrow extension types. These are currently enum, ip, and subnet. Tenzir and Arrow attach type metadata to different entities: Tenzir attaches metadata to a type instance, whereas Arrow attaches metadata to a schema or record field.

More on Arrow & Tenzir

If you want to learn more about why Tenzir uses Apache Arrow, read our two blog posts that explain why we build on top of Arrow.