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Five Design Principles for Building a Data Pipeline Engine

· 15 min read
Matthias Vallentin

One thing we are observing is that organizations are actively seeking out solutions to better manage their security data operations. Until recently, they have been aggressively repurposing common data and observability tools. I believe that this is a stop-gap measure because there was no alternative. But now there is a growing ecosystem of security data operations tools to support the modern security data stack. Ross Haleliuk's epic article lays this out at length.

In this article I am explaining the underlying design principles for developing our own data pipeline engine, coming from the perspective of security teams that are building out their detection and response architecture. These principles emerged during design and implementation. Many times, we asked ourselves "what's the right way of solving this problem?" We often went back to the drawing board and started challenging existing approaches, such as what a data source is, or what a connector should do. To our surprise, we found a coherent way to answer these questions without having to make compromises. When things feel Just Right, it is a good sign to have found the right solution for a particular problem. What we are describing here are the lessons learned from studying other systems, distilled as principles to follow for others.

This article comes from the data engineering perspective. What makes a data pipeline "security" is left for a future post. Technical SOC architects, CTOs, or Principal Engineers our audience. Enjoy!

A Value-First Approach to Data Pipelines

One way to think of it is that data pipelines offer data as a service. The pipeline provides the data in the right shape, at the right time, at the right place. As a data consumer, I do not want to bother with how it got there. I just want to use it to solve my actual problem. That's the value.

But data has to jump through many hoops to get to this goldilocks state. The pyramid of data value is an attempt to describe these hoops on a discrete spectrum:

The idea we want to convey is that you begin with a massive amount of unstructured data, which makes up for the bulk of data in many organizations. Once you lift it into a more digestible form by structuring (= parsing) it, you invest cycles and time to make it easier to extract value from it. A byproduct is often that you end up with less data afterwards. You can continue the process to reshape the data to the exact form to solve a given problem, which often accounts for just a tiny fraction of the original dataset. Data is often still structured then, but you invest a lot of time in deduplicating, aggregating, enriching, and more, just to get the needed information for the consumer. This data massaging can take a lot of human effort!

It's incredibly costly for security teams to spend 80% of their time massaging the data. They should spend their focus on executing their mission, which is hunting threats to protect their constituency. It's certainly not building tools to wrangle data.

We argue that making it easier for domain experts to work with data fundamentally requires a solution that can seamlessly cross all layers of this pyramid, as the boundaries are the places where efficiency leaks. The following principles allowed us to get there.

P1: Separation of Concerns

A central realization for us was that different types of data need different abstractions that coherently fit together. When following the data journey through the pyramid, we start with unstructured data. This means working with raw bytes. You may get them over HTTP, Kafka, a file, or any other carrier medium. The next step is translating bytes into structured data. Parsing gets the data onto the "reshaping highway" where it can be manipulated at ease in a rich data model.

In our nomenclature, connectors are responsible for loading and saving raw, unstructured bytes; formats translate unstructured bytes into structured bytes; a rich set of computational operators enable transformations on structured data.

The diagram below shows these key abstractions:

One thing we miss looking at existing systems is a symmetry in these abstractions. Data acquisition is often looked just one-way: getting data in and then calling it a day. No, please don't stop here! A structured data representation is easy to work with, but throwing the output as JSON over the fence is not a one-size-fits-all solution. I may need CSV or YAML. I may want a Parquet file. I may need it in a special binary form. Deciding in what format to consume that data is critical for flexibility and performance. This is why we designed our connectors and formats to be symmetric: a loader takes bytes in, and a saver sends bytes out. A parser translates bytes to events, and a printer translates them back.

Here is an example that makes symmetric use of connectors, formats, and operators:

load gcs bucket/in/my/cloud/logs.zstd
| decompress zstd
| read json
| where #schema == "ocsf.network_activity"
| select connection_info.protocol_name,
| to s3 bucket/in/my/other/cloud write parquet

This pipeline starts by taking compressed, unstructured data, then makes the data structured by parsing it as JSON, selects the connection 5-tuple, and finally writes it as a Parquet file into an S3 bucket.

Pipeline Languages Everywhere

New pipeline languages are mushrooming all over the place. Splunk started with its own Search Processing Language (SPL) and now released SPL2 to make it more pipeline-ish. And Elastic also doubled down as well with their new ES|QL. When we designed the Tenzir Query Language (TQL), we drew a lot of inspiration from PRQL, Nu, and Zed. These may sound esoteric to some, but they are remarkably well designed evolutions of pipeline languages that are not SQL. Don't get us wrong, we love SQL when we have our data engineering hat on, but our users shouldn't have to wear that hat. Splunk gets a lot of flak for its pricing, but one thing we admire is how well it caters to a broad audience of users that are not data engineering wizards. Our slightly longer FAQ article elaborates on this topic.

P2: Typed Operators

In Tenzir pipelines, we call the atomic building blocks operators. They are sometimes also called "steps" or "commands". Data flows between them:

Many systems, including Tenzir, distinguish three types of operators: sources that produce data, sinks that consume data, and transformations that do both.

Most pipeline engines support one type of data that flows between the operators. If they exchange raw bytes, they'd be in the "unstructured" layer of the pyramid. If they exchange JSON or data frames, they'd be in the "structured" layer.

But in order to cut through the pyramid above, Tenzir pipelines make one more distinction: the elements that operators push through the pipeline are typed. Every operator has an input and an output type:

When composing pipelines, these types have to match. Otherwise the pipeline is malformed. Let's take the above pipeline example and zoom out to just the typing:

With the concept of input and output types in mind, the operator type become more apparent:

This is quite powerful, because you can also undulate between bytes and events within a pipeline before it ends in void. Consider this example:

load nic eth0
| read pcap
| decapsulate
| where src_ip !in [, ::]
| write pcap
| zeek
| write parquet
| save file /tmp/zeek-logs.parquet

This pipeline starts with PCAPs, transforms the acquired packets to events, decapsulates them to filter on some packet headers, goes back to PCAP, runs Zeek1 on the filtered trace, and then writes the log as Parquet file to disk.

Visually, this pipeline has the following operator typing:

P3: Multi-Schema Dataflows

To further unlock value within the structured data layer of the pyramid, we made our pipelines multi-schema: a single pipeline can process heterogeneous types of events, each of which have their own schemas. Multi-schema dataflows require automatic schema inference at parse time, which all our parsers support.

This behavior is different from engines that work with structured data where operators typically work with fixed set of tables. While schema-less systems, such as document-oriented databases, offer more simplicity, their one-record-at-a-time processing comes at the cost of performance. In the spectrum of performance and ease of use, Tenzir therefore fills a gap:

Eclectic & Super-structured Data

Zed has a type system similar to Tenzir, with the difference that Zed associates types with every single value. Unlike Zed, Tenzir uses a "data frame" abstraction and relies on homogeneous Arrow record batches of up to 65,535 rows.

If the schema in a pipeline changes, we simply create a new batch of events. The worst case for Tenzir is a ordered stream of schema-switching events, with every event having a new schema than the previous one. That said, even for those data streams we can efficiently build homogeneous batches when the inter-event order does not matter significantly. Similar to predicate pushdown, Tenzir operators support "ordering pushdown" to signal to upstream operators that the event order only matters intra-schema but not inter-schema. In this case we transparently demultiplex a heterogeneous stream into N homogeneous streams, each of which yields batches of up to 65k events. The import operator is an example of such an operator, and it pushes its ordering upstream so that we can efficiently parse, say, a diverse stream of NDJSON records, such as Suricata's EVE JSON or Zeek's streaming JSON.

You could call multi-schema dataflows multiplexed and there exist dedicated operators to demultiplex a stream. As of now, this is hard-coded per operator. For example, to directory /tmp/dir write parquet demultiplexes a stream of events so that batches with the same schema go to the same Parquet file.

The diagram below illustrates the multi-schema aspect of dataflows for schemas A, B, and C:

Some operators only work with exactly one instance per schema internally, such as write when combined with the parquet, feather, or csv formats. These formats cannot handle multiple input schemas at once. A demultiplexing operator like to directory .. write <format> removes this limitation by writing one file per schema instead.

We are having ideas to make this schema (de)multiplexing explicit with a per-schema operator modifier that you can write in front of every operator. Similarly, we are going to add union types in the future, making it possible to convert a heterogeneous stream of structured data into a homogeneous one.

It's important to note that most of the time you don't have to worry about schemas. They are there for you when you want to work with them, but it's often enough to just specified the fields that you want to work with, e.g., where id.orig_h in, or select src_ip, dest_ip, proto. Schemas are inferred automatically in parsers, but you can also seed a parser with a schema that you define explicitly.

P4: Unified Live Stream Processing and Historical Queries

Systems for stream processing and running historical queries have different requirements, and combining them into a single system can be a daunting challenge. But there is an architectural sweetspot at the right level of abstraction where you can elegantly combine them. From a user persepctive, our goal was to seamlessly exchange the beginning of a pipeline to select the source of the data, be it a historical or continuous one:

Our desired user experience for interacting with historical looks like this:

  1. Ingest: to persist data at a node, create a pipeline that ends with the import sink.
  2. Query: to run a historical query, create a pipeline that begins with the export operator.

For example, to ingest JSON from a Kafka, you write from kafka --topic foo | import. To query the stored data, you write export | where file == 42. The latter example suggests that the pipeline first exports everything, and only then starts filtering with where, performing a full scan over the stored data. But this is not what's happening. Our pipelines support predicate pushdown for every operator. This means that export receives the filter expression before it starts executing, enabling index lookups or other optimizations to efficiently execute queries with high selectivity where scans would be sub-optimal.

The central insight here is to ensure that predicate pushdown (as well as other forms of signalling) exist throughout the entire pipeline engine, and that the engine can communicate this context to the storage engine.

Our own storage engine is not a full-fledged database, but rather a thin indexing layer over a set of Parquet/Feather files. The sparse indexes (sketch data structures, such as min-max synopses, Bloom filters, etc.) avoid full scans for every query. The storage engine also has a catalog that tracks evolving schemas, performs expression binding, and provides a transactional interface to add and replace partitions during compaction.

The diagram below shows the main components of the database engine:

Because of this transparent optimization, you can just exchange the source of a pipeline and switch between historical and streaming execution without degrading performance. A typical use case begins some exploratory data analysis involving a few export pipelines, but then would deploy the pipeline on streaming data by exchanging the source with, say, from kafka.

The difference between import and from file <path> read parquet (or export and to file <path> write parquet) is that the storage engine has the extra catalog and indexes, managing the complexity of dealing with a large set of raw Parquet files.

Delta, Iceberg, and Hudi?

We kept the catalog purposefully simple to iterate fast and gain experience in a controlled system, rather than starting Lakehouse-grade with Delta Lake, Iceberg, or Hudi. We are looking forward to having the resources to integrate with the existing lake management tooling.

P5: Built-in Networking to Create Data Fabrics

Control Plane vs. Data Plane

The term data fabric is woven into many meanings. From a Tenzir perspective, the set of interconnected pipelines through which data flows constitutes the data plane, whereas the surrounding management platform at to control the nodes constitute the control plane. When we refer to "data fabric" we mean to the data plane aspect.

Tenzir pipelines have built-in network communication, allowing you to create a distributed fabric of dataflows to express intricate use cases. There are two types of network connections: implicit and explicit ones:

An implicit network connection exists, for example, when you use the tenzir binary on the command line to run a pipeline that ends in import:

tenzir 'load gcs bkt/eve.json
       | read suricata
       | where #schema != "suricata.stats"
       | import

This results in the following pipeline execution: