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Mobilizing Zeek Logs

· 8 min read
Matthias Vallentin

Zeek offers many ways to produce and consume logs. In this blog, we explain the various Zeek logging formats and show how you can get the most out of Zeek with Tenzir. We conclude with recommendations for when to use what Zeek format based on your use case.

Zeek Logging 101

Zeek's main function is turning live network traffic or trace files into structured logs.1 Zeek logs span the entire network stack, including link-layer analytics with MAC address to application-layer fingerprinting of applications. These rich logs are invaluable for any network-based detection and response activities. Many users also simply appreciate the myriad of protocol analyzers, each of which generates a dedicated log file, like smb.log, http.log, x509.log, and others.

In the default configuration, Zeek writes logs into the current directory, one file per log type. There are various file formats to choose from, such as TSV, JSON, and others. Let's take a look.

Tab-Separated Values (TSV)

Zeek's custom tab-separated value (TSV) format is variant of CSV with additional metadata, similar to a data frame.

Here's how you create TSV logs from a trace:

zeek -C -r trace.pcap [scripts]
disable checksumming

We add -C to disable checksumming, telling Zeek to ignore mismatches and use all packets in the trace. This is good practice to process all packets in a trace, as some capturing setups may perturb the checksums.

And here's a snippet of the corresponding conn.log:

#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path conn
#open 2019-06-07-14-30-44
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p proto service duration orig_bytes resp_bytes conn_state local_orig local_resp missed_bytes history orig_pkts orig_ip_bytes resp_pkts resp_ip_bytes tunnel_parents community_id
#types time string addr port addr port enum string interval count count string bool bool count string count count count count set[string] string
1258531221.486539 Cz8F3O3rmUNrd0OxS5 68 7 udp dhcp 0.163820 301 300 SF - - 0 Dd 1 329 1 328 - 1:aWZfLIquYlCxKGuJ62fQGlgFzAI=
1258531680.237254 CeJFOE1CNssyQjfJo1 137 137 udp dns 3.780125 350 0 S0 - - 546 0 0 - 1:fLbpXGtS1VgDhqUW+WYaP0v+NuA=

And here's a http.log with a different header:

#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path http
#open 2019-06-07-14-30-44
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p trans_depth method host uri referrer version user_agent request_body_len response_body_len status_code status_msg info_code info_msg tags username password proxied orig_fuids orig_filenames orig_mime_types resp_fuids resp_filenames resp_mime_types
#types time string addr port addr port count string string string string string string count count count string count string set[enum] string string set[string] vector[string] vector[string] vector[string] vector[string] vector[string] vector[string]
1258535653.087137 CUk3vSsgfU9oCghL4 1191 1 HEAD /v9/windowsupdate/redir/ - 1.1 Windows-Update-Agent 0 0 20OK - - (empty) - - - - - - - -
1258535655.525107 Cc6Alh3FtTOAqNSIx2 1192 80 1 HEAD /v9/windowsupdate/selfupdate/ - 1.1 Windows-Update-Agent 0 200 OK - - (empty) - - - - - - -

Many Zeek users would now resort to their downstream log management tool, assuming it supports the custom TSV format. Zeek also comes with small helper utility zeek-cut for light-weight reshaping of this TSV format. For example:

zeek-cut id.orig_h id.resp_h < conn.log

This selects the columns id.orig_h and id.resp_h. Back in the days, many folks used awk to extract fields by their position, e.g., with $4, $7, $9. This is not only difficult to understand, but also brittle, since Zeek schemas can change based on configuration. With zeek-cut, it's at least a bit more robust.

Tenzir's data pipelines make it easy to process Zeek logs. The native zeek-tsv parser converts them into data frames, so that you can process them with a wide range of operators:

cat *.log | tenzir 'read zeek-tsv | select id.orig_h, id.resp_h'

Tenzir takes care of parsing the type information properly and keeps IP addresses and timestamps as native data types. You can also see in the examples that Tenzir handles multiple concatenated TSV logs of different schemas as you'd expect.

Now that Zeek logs are flowing, you can do a lot more than selecting specific columns. Check out the shaping guide for filtering rows, performing aggregations, and routing them elsewhere. Or store the logs locally at a Tenzir node in Parquet to process them with other data tools.


Zeek can also render logs as JSON by setting LogAscii::use_json=T:

zeek -r trace.pcap LogAscii::use_json=T

As with TSV, this generates one file per log type containing the NDJSON records. Here are the same two entries from above:


And http.log:


Use the regular json parser to get the data flowing:

cat conn.log | tenzir 'read json --schema "zeek.conn" | head'
cat http.log | tenzir 'read json --schema "zeek.http" | head'

The option --schema of the json reader passes a name of a known schema that brings back the lost typing, e.g., the schema knows that the duration field in conn.log is not a floating-point number, but a duration type, so that you can filter connections with where duration < 4 mins.

Streaming JSON

The above one-file-per-log format is not conducive to stream processing because a critical piece of information is missing: the type of the log (or schema), which is only contained in the file name. So you can't just ship the data away and infer the type later at ease. And passing the filename around through a side channel is cumbersome. Enter JSON streaming logs. This package adds two new fields: _path with the log type and _write_ts with the timestamp when the log was written. For example, http.log now gets an additional field {"_path": "http" , ...}. This makes it a lot easier to consume, because you can now concatenate the entire output and multiplex it over a single stream.

This format doesn't come with stock Zeek. Use Zeek's package manager zkg to install it:

zkg install json-streaming-logs

Then pass the package name to the list of scripts on the command line:

zeek -r trace.pcap json-streaming-logs

And now you get JSON logs in the current directory. Here's the same conn.log and http.log example from above, this time with added _path and _write_ts fields:

 {"_path":"http","_write_ts":"2009-11-18T17:00:51.888304Z","ts":"2009-11-18T17:00:51.841527Z","uid":"CgdQsm2eBBV8T8GjUk","id.orig_h":"","id.orig_p":1399,"id.resp_h":"","id.resp_p":80,"trans_depth":1,"method":"GET","host":"","uri":"/","version":"1.1","user_agent":"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)","request_body_len":0,"response_body_len":10205,"status_code":200,"status_msg":"OK","tags":[],"resp_fuids":["FI1gWL1b9SuIA8HAv3"],"resp_mime_types":["text/html"]}

Many tools have have logic to disambiguate based on a field like _path. That said, JSON is always "dumbed down" compared to TSV, which contains additional type information, such as timestamps, durations, IP addresses, etc. This type information is lost in the JSON output and up to the downstream tooling to bring back.

With JSON Streaming logs, you can simply concatenate all logs Zeek generated and pass them to a tool of your choice. Tenzir has native support for these logs via the zeek-json parser:

cat *.log | tenzir 'read zeek-json | taste 1'

In fact, the zeek-json parser just an alias for json --selector=zeek:_path, which extracts the schema name from the _path field to demultiplex the JSON stream and assign the corresponding schema.

Writer Plugin

If the stock options of Zeek's logging framework do not work for you, you can still write a C++ writer plugin to produce any output of your choice.

For example, the zeek-kafka plugin writes incoming Zeek data to Kafka topics. For this use case, you can also leverage Tenzir's kafka connector and write:

cat *.log | tenzir '
read zeek-tsv
| extend _path=#schema
| to kafka -t zeek write json

This pipeline starts by reading Zeek TSV, appends the _path field to emulate Streaming JSON, and then writes the events to the Kafka topic zeek. The example is not equivalent to the Zeek Kafka plugin, because concatenate existing fields and apply a (one-shot) pipeline, as opposed to continuously streaming to a Kafka topic. We'll elaborate on this in the next blog post, stay tuned.


In this blog, we presented the most common Zeek logging formats. We also provided examples how you can mobilize any of them in a Tenzir pipeline. If you're unsure when to use what Zeek logging format, here are our recommendations:

  • Use TSV when you can. If your downstream tooling can parse TSV, it is the best choice because it retains Zeek's rich type annotations as metadata—without the need for downstream schema wrangling.
  • Use Streaming JSON for the easy button. The single stream of NDJSON logs is most versatile, since most downstream tooling supports it well. Use it when you need to get in business quickly.
  • Use stock JSON when you must. There's marginal utility in the one-JSON-file-per-log format. It requires extra effort in keeping track of filenames and mapping fields to their corresponding types.
  • Use plugins for everything else. If none of these fit the bill or you need a tighter integration, leverage Zeek's writer plugins to create a custom logger.

If you're a Zeek power user and need power tools for data processing, take a closer look at what we do at Tenzir. There's a lot more you can do!

  1. Zeek also comes with a Turing-complete scripting language for executing arbitrary logic. The event-based language resembles Javascript and is especially useful for performing in-depth protocol analysis and engineering detections.