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Functions appear in expressions and take positional and/or named arguments, producing a value as a result of their computation.

Function signatures have the following notation:

f(arg1:<type>, arg2=<type>, [arg3=type]) -> <type>
  • arg:<type>: positional argument
  • arg=<type>: named argument
  • [arg=type]: optional (named) argument
  • -> <type>: function return type

TQL features the uniform function call syntax (UFCS), which allows you to interchangeably call a function with at least one argument either as free function or method. For example, length(str) and str.length() resolve to the identical function call. The latter syntax is particularly suitable for function chaining, e.g., x.f().g().h() reads left-to-right as "start with x, apply f(), then g() and then h()," compared to h(g(f(x))), which reads "inside out."

Throughout our documentation, we use the free function style in the synopsis but often resort to the method style when it is more idiomatic.


allComputes the conjunction (AND) of all boolean valuesall([true,true,false])
anyComputes the disjunction (OR) of all boolean valuesany([true,false,true])
collectCreates a list of all non-null values, preserving duplicatescollect([1,2,2,3])
countCounts the events or non-null valuescount([1,2,null])
count_distinctCounts all distinct non-null valuescount_distinct([1,2,2,3])
distinctCreates a sorted list without duplicates of non-null valuesdistinct([1,2,2,3])
firstTakes the first non-null valuefirst([null,2,3])
lastTakes the last non-null valuelast([1,2,null])
maxComputes the maximum of all valuesmax([1,2,3])
meanComputes the mean of all valuesmean([1,2,3])
medianComputes the approximate median with a t-digest algorithmmedian([1,2,3,4])
minComputes the minimum of all valuesmin([1,2,3])
modeTakes the most common non-null valuemode([1,1,2,3])
quantileComputes the specified quantile q of valuesquantile([1,2,3,4], q=0.5)
stddevComputes the standard deviation of all valuesstddev([1,2,3])
sumComputes the sum of all valuessum([1,2,3])
value_countsReturns a list of values with their frequencyvalue_counts([1,2,2,3])
varianceComputes the variance of all valuesvariance([1,2,3])


appendInserts an element at the back of a listxs.append(y)
prependInserts an element at the front of a listxs.prepend(y)
concatenateMerges two listsconcatenate(xs, ys)
mapMaps each list element to an, x + 3)
whereRemoves list elements based on a predicatexs.where(x, x > 5)



length_bytesReturns the length of a string in bytes"hello".length_bytes()
length_charsReturns the length of a string in characters"hello".length_chars()
starts_withChecks if a string starts with a substring"hello".starts_with("he")
ends_withChecks if a string ends with a substring"hello".ends_with("lo")
is_alnumChecks if a string is alphanumeric"hello123".is_alnum()
is_alphaChecks if a string contains only letters"hello".is_alpha()
is_lowerChecks if a string is in lowercase"hello".is_lower()
is_numericChecks if a string contains only numbers"1234".is_numeric()
is_printableChecks if a string contains only printable characters"hello".is_printable()
is_titleChecks if a string follows title case"Hello World".is_title()
is_upperChecks if a string is in uppercase"HELLO".is_upper()


trimTrims whitespace from both ends of a string" hello ".trim()
trim_startTrims whitespace from the start of a string" hello".trim_start()
trim_endTrims whitespace from the end of a string"hello ".trim_end()
capitalizeCapitalizes the first character of a string"hello".capitalize()
replaceReplaces characters within a string"hello".replace("o", "a")
replace_regexReverses the characters of a string"hello".replace("l+o", "y")
reverseReverses the characters of a string"hello".reverse()
to_lowerConverts a string to lowercase"HELLO".to_lower()
to_titleConverts a string to title case"hello world".to_title()
to_upperConverts a string to uppercase"hello".to_upper()

File Paths

file_nameExtracts the file name from a file pathfile_name("/path/to/log.json")
parent_dirExtracts the parent directory from a file pathparent_dir("/path/to/log.json")

Time & Date

as_secsConverts a duration into secondsas_secs(42ms)
from_epoch_msInterprets a number as Unix timefrom_epoch_ms(1730234246123.456)
nowGets the current wallclock timenow()
since_epochTurns a time value into a duration since the Unix epochsince_epoch(2021-02-24)


ceilTakes the ceilingceil(4.2), ceil(3.2s, 1m)
floorTakes the floorfloor(4.2), floor(32h, 1d)
randomGenerates a random numberrandom()
roundRounds a valueround(4.2), round(31m, 1h)
sqrtCalculates the square rootsqrt(49)


community_idComputes a Community IDcommunity_id(src_ip=, dst_ip=, proto="tcp")
decapsulateDecapsulates PCAP packetsdecapsulate(this)
encrypt_cryptopanEncrypts IPs via Crypto-PAnencrypt_cryptopan(
is_v4Checks if an IP is IPv4is_v4(
is_v6Checks if an IP is IPv6is_v6(::1)


hash_md5Computes a MD5 hash digesthash_md5("foo")
hash_sha1Computes a SHA1 hash digesthash_sha1("foo")
hash_sha224Computes a SHA224 hash digesthash_sha224("foo")
hash_sha256Computes a SHA256 hash digesthash_sha256("foo")
hash_sha384Computes a SHA384 hash digesthash_sha384("foo")
hash_sha512Computes a SHA512 hash digesthash_sha512("foo")
hash_xxh3Computes a XXH3 hash digesthash_xxh3("foo")

Type System


type_idRetrieves the type of an expressiontype_id(1 + 3.2)
hasChecks whether a record has a fieldrecord.has("field")
lengthRetrieves the length of a list[1,2,3].length()


intCasts an expression to a signed integerint(-4.2)
uintCasts an expression to an unsigned integeruint(4.2)
floatCasts an expression to a floatfloat(42)
timeCasts an expression to a time valuetime("2020-03-15")
strCasts an expression to stringstr(
ipCasts an expression to an IPip("")


flattenFlattens nested dataflatten(this)
unflattenUnflattens nested structuresunflatten(this)


envReads an environment variableenv("PATH")
secretReads a secret from a storesecret("PATH")