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Prints records in a Key-Value format.

print_kv( input:record, [field_separator=str, value_separator=str,
                         list_separator=str, flatten_separator=str,
                         null_value=str] ) -> str


Prints records in a Key-Value format. Nested data will be flattend, keys or values containing the given separators will be quoted and the special characters \n, \r, \ and " will be escaped.

input: record

The record to print as a string.

field_separator = str (optional)

A string that shall separate the key-value pairs.

Must not be an empty string.

Defaults to " ".

value_separator = str (optional)

A string that shall separate key and value within key-value pair.

Must not be an empty string.

Defaults to "=".

list_separator = str (optional)

Must not be an empty string.

Defaults to ",".

flatten_separator = str (optional)

A string to join the keys of nested records with. For example, given flatten="."

Defaults to ".".

null_value = str (optional)

A string to represent null values.

Defaults to the empty string.


Conditionally quoted strings

from { input: { key:"value" } }
output = input.print_kv()
  input: {
    key: "value",
  output: "key=value",

See Also

write_kv, parse_kv