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Version: v4.20


Executes Python code against each event of the input.


python [--requirements <string>] <code>
python [--requirements <string>] --file <path>

A Python 3 (>=3.10) interpreter must be present in the PATH environment variable of the tenzir or tenzir-node process.


The python operator executes user-provided Python code against each event of the input.

By default, the Tenzir node executing the pipeline creates a virtual environment into which the tenzir Python package is installed. This behavior can be turned off in the node configuration using the plugin.python.create-venvs boolean option.


The python operator implementation applies the provided Python code to each input row one bw one. We use PyArrow to convert the input values to native Python data types and back to the Tenzir data model after the transformation.

--requirements <string>

The --requirements flag can be used to pass additional package dependencies in the pip format. When it is used, the argument is passed on to pip install in a dedicated virtual environment.

The string is passed verbatim to pip install. To add multiple dependencies, separate them with a space: --requirements "foo bar".


The provided Python code describes an event-for-event transformation, i.e., it is executed once for each input event and produces exactly output event.

An implicitly defined self variable represents the event. Modify it to alter the output of the operator. Fields of the event can be accessed with the dot notation. For example, if the input event contains fields a and b then the Python code can access and modify them using self.a and self.b. Similarly, new fields are added by assigning to self.fieldname and existing fields can be removed by deleting them from self. When new fields are added, it is required that the new field has the same type for every row of the event.

--file <path>

Instead of providing the code inline, the --file option allows for passing a path to a file containing the code the operator executes per event.


Insert or modify the field x and set it to "hello, world":

python 'self.x = "hello, world"'

Clear the contents of self to remove the implicit input values from the output:

python '
self.x = 23

Define a new field x as the square root of the field y, and remove y from the output:

python '
import math
self.x = math.sqrt(self.y)
del self.y

Make use of third party packages:

python --requirements "requests=^2.30" '
import requests"http://imaginary.api/receive", data=self)