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Tenzir Platform v1.9: Accelerated Data Exploration

· 3 min read
Dominik Lohmann

We're happy to announce Tenzir Platform v1.9, introducing the next generation of the Tenzir Platform's Explorer.

The Idea Behind the Explorer

The Explorer has a very simple interface: Users can write a pipeline in TQL and run it. If the pipeline has a sink, the Explorer will ask the user to deploy their pipeline. If the pipeline does not have a sink, results are displayed in a data table right below the editor.

This allows for rapid prototyping of pipelines: Start with just a source, hit run to see results. Add a transformation, hit Run again and see what's changed. Add more transformations—rinse and repeat. Once you're satisfied with your results, add a sink, hit Run one last time, and permanently deploy your pipeline.

What Changed?

Before this release, the results table featured a Load More button that allowed you to load more results as needed. The schemas pane showed a summary of already loaded events.

Now, the schemas pane automatically shows all results that a pipeline produces, and the table loads events only for the selected schema. Additionally, the table now supports pagination, allowing users to navigate through large datasets efficiently.

Wait, How?

We fundamentally revisited how the Explorer fetches results from pipelines without a user-provided sink. Previously, the Explorer would suspend the pipeline after fetching the first batch of results, resuming it only when the user hit the Load More button. Now, the Explorer loads all results into a cache that lives at the node directly, displaying a summary of the cache in the schemas pane and fetching individual pages from the cache as needed.

This causes additional memory usage on the node, but improves the performance and user experience of the Explorer significantly.

Limiting Cache Sizes

In the Explorer, users can control how many results the cache can contain at most. This option defaults to 10,000 events, but can be adjusted up to 1,000,000 events.

Tenzir Node v4.28 or newer support the tenzir.cache.capacity option that limits the total cache usage for the node to a specified amount of memory.

If the capacity is exceeded, the oldest cache entries are evicted from the node.

Additionally, the tenzir.cache.lifetime option controls how long a cache remains valid after the pipeline has finished writing it. Afterwards, the cache is evicted from the node.

Here's how you can set the options:

# /opt/tenzir/etc/tenzir/tenzir.yaml
    # Total cache capacity in bytes for the node. Must be at least 64Mi.
    # Defaults to 1Gi.
    capacity: 1Gi
    # Maximum lifetime of a cache. Defaults to 10min.
    lifetime: 10min

The options can also be specified as the TENZIR_CACHE__CAPACITY and TENZIR_CACHE__LIFETIME environment variables, respectively.

Faster Downloads

Previously, the Download button in the Explorer caused pipelines to run again. This is no longer necessary—we can now just fetch the already cached results again, format them as needed, which makes downloading practically instant.

This even works when the pipeline is still running, as downloading will now just fetch the cached results at the time when the download was initiated.

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