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Version: v4.20


Add metadata to a schema, necessary for rendering as a chart.


chart line [-x|--x-axis <fields>] [-y|--y-axis <field>]
[--x-axis-type <x-axis-type>] [--y-axis-type <y-axis-type>]
chart area [-x|--x-axis <fields>] [-y|--y-axis <field>]
[--x-axis-type <x-axis-type>] [--y-axis-type <y-axis-type>]
chart bar [-x|--x-axis <fields>] [-y|--y-axis <field>]
[--x-axis-type <x-axis-type>] [--y-axis-type <y-axis-type>]
chart pie [--name <field>] [--value <fields>]


The chart operator adds attributes to the schema of the input events, that are used to guide rendering of the data as a chart. The operator does no rendering itself.

The fields option value is either the name of a single field, or a comma-separated list of multiple field names, e.g., foo,bar,baz.

-x|--x-axis <fields> (line, area, and bar charts only)

Sets the field used for the X-axis.

Values in this field must be strictly increasing (sorted in ascending order, without duplicates) when creating a line or area chart, or unique when creating a bar chart.

Defaults to the first field in the schema.

-y|--y-axis <fields> (line, area, and bar charts only)

Sets the fields used for the Y-axis.

Defaults to every field but the first one.

--position <position> (line, area, and bar charts only)

Controls how the values are grouped when rendered as a chart. Possible values are grouped and stacked.

Defaults to grouped.

--x-axis-type <x-axis-type> (line, area, and bar charts only)

Sets the x-axis scale type. Possible values are linear and log.

Defaults to linear.

--y-axis-type <y-axis-type> (line, area, and bar charts only)

Sets the y-axis scale type. Possible values are linear and log.

Defaults to linear.

--name <field> (pie chart only)

Sets the field used for the names of the segments.

Values in this field must be unique.

Defaults to the first field in the schema.

--value <fields> (pie chart only)

Sets the fields used for the value of a segment.

Defaults to every field but the first one.


Render most common src_ip values in suricata.flow events as a bar chart:

| where #schema == "suricata.flow"
| top src_ip
/* -x and -y default to `src_ip` and `count` */
| chart bar

Render historical import throughput statistics as a line chart:

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.operator"
| where source == true
| summarize bytes=sum(output.approx_bytes) by timestamp resolution 1s
| sort timestamp desc
| chart line -x timestamp -y bytes --y-axis-type "log"