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Version: v4.20


Retrieves metrics events from a Tenzir node.


metrics [--live] [--retro] [<name>]


The metrics operator retrieves metrics events from a Tenzir node. Metrics events are collected every second.


Work on all metrics events as they are generated in real-time instead of on metrics events persisted at a Tenzir node.


Work on persisted diagnostic events (first), even when --live is given.

See export operator for more details.


Show only metrics with the specified name. For example, metrics cpu only shows CPU metrics.


Tenzir collects metrics with the following schemas.


Contains information about all accessed API endpoints, emitted once per second.

timestamptimeThe time at which the API request was received.
request_idstringThe unique request ID assigned by the Tenzir Platform.
methoddoubleThe HTTP method used to access the API.
pathdoubleThe path of the accessed API endpoint.
response_timedurationThe time the API endpoint took to respond.
status_codeuint64The HTTP status code of the API response.
paramsrecordThe API endpoints parameters passed inused.

The schema of the record params depends on the API endpoint used. Refer to the API documentation to see the available parameters per endpoint.


Contains information about the buffer operator's internal buffer.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline where the associated operator is from.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
hiddenboolTrue if the pipeline is running for the explorer.
timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
operator_iduint64The ID of the buffer operator in the pipeline.
useduint64The number of events stored in the buffer.
freeuint64The remaining capacity of the buffer.
droppeduint64The number of events dropped by the buffer.


Contains a measurement of CPU utilization.

timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
loadavg_1mdoubleThe load average over the last minute.
loadavg_5mdoubleThe load average over the last 5 minutes.
loadavg_15mdoubleThe load average over the last 15 minutes.


Contains a measurement of disk space usage.

timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
pathstringThe byte measurements below refer to the filesystem on which this path is located.
total_bytesuint64The total size of the volume, in bytes.
used_bytesuint64The number of bytes occupied on the volume.
free_bytesuint64The number of bytes still free on the volume.


Contains a measurement the enrich operator, emitted once every second.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline where the associated operator is from.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
hiddenboolTrue if the pipeline is running for the explorer.
timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
operator_iduint64The ID of the enrich operator in the pipeline.
contextstringThe name of the context the associated operator is using.
eventsuint64The amount of input events that entered the enrich operator since the last metric.
hitsuint64The amount of successfully enriched events since the last metric.


Contains a measurement the export operator, emitted once every second per schema. Note that internal events like metrics or diagnostics do not emit metrics themselves.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline where the associated operator is from.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
hiddenboolTrue if the pipeline is running for the explorer.
timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
operator_iduint64The ID of the export operator in the pipeline.
schemastringThe schema name of the batch.
schema_idstringThe schema ID of the batch.
eventsuint64The amount of events that were imported.
queued_eventsuint64The total amount of events that are enqueued in the export.


Contains a measurement the import operator, emitted once every second per schema. Note that internal events like metrics or diagnostics do not emit metrics themselves.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline where the associated operator is from.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
hiddenboolTrue if the pipeline is running for the explorer.
timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
operator_iduint64The ID of the import operator in the pipeline.
schemastringThe schema name of the batch.
schema_idstringThe schema ID of the batch.
eventsuint64The amount of events that were imported.


Contains a measurement of all data ingested into the database, emitted once per second and schema.

timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
schemastringThe schema name of the batch.
schema_idstringThe schema ID of the batch.
eventsuint64The amount of events that were ingested.


Contains a measurement of the lookup operator, emitted once every second.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline where the associated operator is from.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
hiddenboolTrue if the pipeline is running for the explorer.
timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
operator_iduint64The ID of the lookup operator in the pipeline.
contextstringThe name of the context the associated operator is using.
liverecordInformation about the live lookup.
retrorecordInformation about the retroactive lookup.
context_updatesuint64The amount of times the underlying context has been updated while the associated lookup is active.

The record live has the following schema:

eventsuint64The amount of input events used for the live lookup since the last metric.
hitsuint64The amount of live lookup matches since the last metric.

The record retro has the following schema:

eventsuint64The amount of input events used for the lookup since the last metric.
hitsuint64The amount of lookup matches since the last metric.
queued_eventsuint64The total amount of events that were in the queue for the lookup.


Contains a measurement of the available memory on the host.

timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
total_bytesuint64The total available memory, in bytes.
used_bytesuint64The amount of memory used, in bytes.
free_bytesuint64The amount of free memory, in bytes.


Contains input and output measurements over some amount of time for a single operator instantiation.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline where the associated operator is from.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
hiddenboolTrue if the pipeline is running for the explorer.
timestamptimeThe time when this event was emitted (immediately after the collection period).
operator_iduint64The ID of the operator inside the pipeline referenced above.
sourceboolTrue if this is the first operator in the pipeline.
transformationboolTrue if this is neither the first nor the last operator.
sinkboolTrue if this is the last operator in the pipeline.
internalboolTrue if the data flow is considered to internal to Tenzir.
durationdurationThe timespan over which this data was collected.
starting_durationdurationThe time spent to start the operator.
processing_durationdurationThe time spent processing the data.
scheduled_durationdurationThe time that the operator was scheduled.
running_durationdurationThe time that the operator was running.
paused_durationdurationThe time that the operator was paused.
inputrecordMeasurement of the incoming data stream.
outputrecordMeasurement of the outgoing data stream.

The records input and output have the following schema:

unitstringThe type of the elements, which is void, bytes or events.
elementsuint64Number of elements that were seen during the collection period.
approx_bytesuint64An approximation for the number of bytes transmitted.


Signals whether the connection to the Tenzir Platform is working from the node's perspective. Emitted once per second.

timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
connectedboolThe connection status.


Contains a measurement of the amount of memory used by the tenzir-node process.

timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
current_memory_usageuint64The memory currently used by this process.
peak_memory_usageuint64The peak amount of memory, in bytes.
swap_space_usageuint64The amount of swap space, in bytes. Only available on Linux systems.
open_fdsuint64The amount of open file descriptors by the node. Only available on Linux systems.


Contains a measurement of the publish operator, emitted once every second per schema.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline where the associated operator is from.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
hiddenboolTrue if the pipeline is running for the explorer.
timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
operator_iduint64The ID of the publish operator in the pipeline.
topicstringThe topic name.
schemastringThe schema name of the batch.
schema_idstringThe schema ID of the batch.
eventsuint64The amount of events that were published to the topic.


Contains a measurement of the partition rebuild process, emitted once every second.

timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
partitionsuint64The number of partitions currently being rebuilt.
queued_partitionsuint64The number of partitions currently queued for rebuilding.


Contains a measurement of the subscribe operator, emitted once every second per schema.

pipeline_idstringThe ID of the pipeline where the associated operator is from.
runuint64The number of the run, starting at 1 for the first run.
hiddenboolTrue if the pipeline is running for the explorer.
timestamptimeThe time at which this metric was recorded.
operator_iduint64The ID of the subscribe operator in the pipeline.
topicstringThe topic name.
schemastringThe schema name of the batch.
schema_idstringThe schema ID of the batch.
eventsuint64The amount of events that were retrieved from the topic.


Show the CPU usage over the last hour:

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.cpu"
| where timestamp > 1 hour ago
| put timestamp, percent=loadavg_1m
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T12:00:32.631102",
  "percent": 0.40478515625
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T11:59:32.626043",
  "percent": 0.357421875
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T11:58:32.620327",
  "percent": 0.42578125
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T11:57:32.614810",
  "percent": 0.50390625
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T11:56:32.609896",
  "percent": 0.32080078125
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T11:55:32.605871",
  "percent": 0.5458984375

Get the current memory usage:

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.memory"
| sort timestamp desc
| tail 1
| put current_memory_usage
  "current_memory_usage": 1083031552

Show the total pipeline ingress in bytes for every day over the last week, excluding pipelines run in the Explorer:

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.operator"
| where timestamp > 1 week ago
| where hidden == false and source == true
| summarize bytes=sum(output.approx_bytes) by timestamp resolution 1 day
  "timestamp": "2023-11-08T00:00:00.000000",
  "bytes": 79927223
  "timestamp": "2023-11-09T00:00:00.000000",
  "bytes": 51788928
  "timestamp": "2023-11-10T00:00:00.000000",
  "bytes": 80740352
  "timestamp": "2023-11-11T00:00:00.000000",
  "bytes": 75497472
  "timestamp": "2023-11-12T00:00:00.000000",
  "bytes": 55497472
  "timestamp": "2023-11-13T00:00:00.000000",
  "bytes": 76546048
  "timestamp": "2023-11-14T00:00:00.000000",
  "bytes": 68643200

Show the three operator instantiations that produced the most events in total and their pipeline IDs:

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.operator"
| where output.unit == "events"
| summarize events=max(output.elements) by pipeline_id, operator_id
| sort events desc
| head 3
  "pipeline_id": "70a25089-b16c-448d-9492-af5566789b99",
  "operator_id": 0,
  "events": 391008694
  "pipeline_id": "7842733c-06d6-4713-9b80-e20944927207",
  "operator_id": 0,
  "events": 246914949
  "pipeline_id": "6df003be-0841-45ad-8be0-56ff4b7c19ef",
  "operator_id": 1,
  "events": 83013294

Get the disk usage over time:

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.disk"
| sort timestamp
| put timestamp, used_bytes
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T12:52:32.900086",
  "used_bytes": 461834444800
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T12:53:32.905548",
  "used_bytes": 461834584064
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T12:54:32.910918",
  "used_bytes": 461840302080
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T12:55:32.916200",
  "used_bytes": 461842751488

Get the memory usage over time:

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.memory"
| sort timestamp
| put timestamp, used_bytes
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T13:08:32.982083",
  "used_bytes": 48572645376
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T13:09:32.986962",
  "used_bytes": 48380682240
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T13:10:32.992494",
  "used_bytes": 48438878208
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T13:11:32.997889",
  "used_bytes": 48491839488
  "timestamp": "2023-12-21T13:12:33.003323",
  "used_bytes": 48529952768