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Version: v4.20


Performs live filtering of the import feed using a context, and translates context updates into historical queries.


lookup <context>          [--field <field...>] [--separate]
[--live] [--retro] [--snapshot]
[--yield <field>] [--parallel <level>]
lookup <output>=<context> [--field <field...>] [--separate]
[--live] [--retro] [--snapshot]
[--yield <field>] [--parallel <level>]


The lookup operator performs two actions simultaneously:

  1. Translate context updates into historical queries
  2. Filter all data with a context that gets ingested into a node

These two operations combined offer unified matching, i.e., automated retro matching by turning context updates into historical queries, and live matching with a context on the import feed.

The diagram below illustrates how the operator works:


The name of the context to lookup with.


The name of the field in which to store the context's enrichment.

Defaults to the name of the context.

--field <field...>

A comma-separated list of fields, type extractors, or concepts to match.


When multiple fields are provided, e.g., when using --field :ip to enrich all IP address fields, duplicate the event for every provided field and enrich them individually.

When using the option, the context moves from <output>.context.<path...> to <output> in the resulting event, with a new field <output>.path containing the enriched path.


Enables live lookup for incoming events.

By default, both retro and live lookups are enabled. Specifying either --retro or --live explicitly disables the other.


Enables retrospective lookups for previously imported events. The lookup operator will then apply a context after a context update.

By default, both retro and live lookups are enabled. Specifying either --retro or --live explicitly disables the other.


Creates a snapshot of the context at the time of execution. In combination with --retro, this will commence a retrospective lookup with that current context state.

By default, snapshotting is disabled. Not all contexts support this operation.

--yield <path>

Provide a field into the context object to use as the context instead. If the key does not exist within the context, a null value is used instead.

--parallel <level>

The number of partitions to open in parallel for retrospective lookups. This number directly correlates with memory usage and performance of the lookup operator.

Defaults to 3.


Optional, context-specific options in the format --key value or --flag. Refer to the documentation of the individual contexts for these.


Apply the context feodo to incoming suricata.flow events.

lookup --live feodo --field src_ip
| where #schema == "suricata.flow"

Apply the context feodo to historical suricata.flow events with every update to feodo.

lookup --retro feodo --field src_ip
| where #schema == "suricata.flow"

Apply the context feodo to incoming suricata.flow events, and also apply the context after an update to feodo.

lookup feodo --field src_ip
| where #schema == "suricata.flow"