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Keep a range events within the half-closed interval [begin, end).


slice [--begin <begin>] [--end <end>]


The slice operator selects a range of events from the input. The semantics of the operator match Python's array slicing.


An signed integer denoting the beginning (inclusive) of the range to keep. Use a negative number to count from the end.


An signed integer denoting the end (exclusive) of the range to keep. Use a negative number to count from the end.


Get the second 100 events:

slice --begin 100 --end 200

Get the last five events:

slice --begin -5

Skip the last ten events:

slice --end -10

Return the last 50 events, except for the last 2:

slice --begin -50 --end -2

Skip the first and the last event:

slice --begin 1 --end -1