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Subscribes to a Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscription and obtains bytes.

load_google_cloud_pubsub project_id:str, subscription_id:str, [timeout:duration]

The connector tries to retrieve the appropriate credentials using Google's Application Default Credentials.


The google_cloud_pubsub loader acquires raw bytes from a Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscription.

project_id: str

The project to connect to. Note that this is the project id, not the display name.

subscription_id: str

The subscription to subscribe to.

timeout = duration (optional)

How long to wait for messages before ending the connection. A duration of zero means the operator will run forever.

The default value is 0s.


Subscribe to my-subscription in the project amazing-project-123456 and parse the messages as JSON:

load_google_cloud_pubsub "amazing-project-123456", "my-subscription"