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Loads bytes from a TCP or TLS connection.

load_tcp endpoint:str, [connect=bool, parallel=int, tls=bool, certfile=str, keyfile=str { … }]


Reads bytes from the given endpoint via TCP or TLS.

endpoint: str

The endpoint at which the server will listen. If connect=true, this is instead the remote endpoint to connect to. Must be of the form [tcp://]<hostname>:<port>. Use the hostname o accept connections on all interfaces.

connect = bool (optional)

Connect to the endpoint instead of listening at it.

parallel = int (optional)

Maximum number of parallel connections at once.

tls = bool (optional)

Whether to use TLS.

certfile = str (optional)

Path to a .pem file containing the TLS certificate.

keyfile = str (optional)

Path to a .pem file containing the private key for the certificate.

{ … } (optional)

The pipeline to run for each individual TCP connection. If none is specified, no transformations are applied to the output streams. Unless you are sure that there is at most one active connection at a time, it is recommended to specify a pipeline that parses the individual connection streams into events, for instance { read_json }. Otherwise, the output can be interleaved.


Listen on all network interfaces, parsing each individual connection as syslog.

load_tcp "" { read_syslog }

Connect to a remote endpoint and parse the response as JSON:

// We know that there is only one connection, so we do not specify a pipeline.
load_tcp "", connect=true

Wait for connections on localhost with TLS enabled, parsing incoming JSON streams according to the schema "my_schema", forwarding no more than 20 events per individual connection:

load_tcp "", tls=true, certfile="key_and_cert.pem", keyfile="key_and_cert.pem" {
  read_json schema="my_schema"
  head 20

The example above can use a self-signed certificate that can be generated like this:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key_and_cert.pem -out key_and_cert.pem -days 365 -nodes

You can test the endpoint locally by issuing a TLS connection:

openssl s_client