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Sends events to a ClickHouse table.

to_clickhouse table=string, [host=string, port=int, user=string, password=string,
                             mode=string, primary=field,
                             tls=bool, cacert=string, certfile=string, keyfile=string,
                             skip_peer_verification=bool, skip_host_verification=bool]


table = string

The name of the table you want to write to. When giving a plain table name, it will use the default database, otherwise database.table can be specified.

host = string (optional)

The hostname for the ClickHouse server.

Defaults to "localhost".

port = int (optional)

The port for the ClickHouse server.

Defaults to 9000 without TLS and 9440 with TLS.

user = string (optional)

The user to use for authentication.

Defaults to "default".

password = string (optional)

The password for the given user.

Defaults to "".

mode = string (optional)

  • "create" if you want to create a table and fail if it already exists
  • "append" to append to an existing table
  • "create_append" to create a table if it does not exist and append to it otherwise.

Defaults to "create_append".

primary = field (optional)

The primary key to use when creating a table. Required for mode = "create" as well as for mode = "create_append" if the table does not yet exist.

tls = bool (optional)

Enables TLS.

Defaults to true.

cacert = string (optional)

Path to the CA certificate used to verify the server's certificate.

Defaults to the Tenzir configuration value tenzir.cacert, which in turn defaults to a common cacert location for the system.

certfile = string (optional)

Path to the client certificate.

keyfile = string (optional)

Path to the key for the client certificate.

skip_peer_verification = bool (optional)

Toggles TLS certificate verification.

Defaults to false.

Path to the key for the client certificate.


Tenzir uses ClickHouse's clickhouse-cpp client library to communicate with ClickHouse. The below table explains the translation from Tenzir's types to ClickHouse:

subnetTuple(ip IPv6, length UInt8)
durationInt64Converted as nanoseconds(duration)
recordTuple(...)Fields in the tuple will be named with the field name

Tenzir also supports Nullable versions of the above types (or their nested types).

Table Creation

When a ClickHouse table is created from Tenzir, all columns except the primary will be created as Nullable.

The table will be created from the first event the operator receives.


Send CSV file to a local ClickHouse instance, without TLS

from "my_file.csv"
to_clickhouse table="my_table", tls=false

Create a new table with multiple fields

from { i: 42, d: 10.0, b: true, l: [42], r:{ s:"string" } }
to_clickhouse table="example", primary=i

This creates the following table:

1. │ i │ Int64 │
2. │ d │ Nullable(Float64) │
3. │ b │ Nullable(UInt8) │
4. │ l │ Array(Nullable(Int64)) │
5. │ r │ Tuple( ↴│
│ │↳ s Nullable(String)) │