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Version: v4.29


Visualizes events on an area chart.

chart_area x=field, y=any, [x_min=any, x_max=any, y_min=any, y_max=any,
                            resolution=duration, fill=any, x_log=bool,
                            y_log=bool, group=any, position=string]


Visualizes events with an area chart on the Tenzir Platform.

x = field

Positions on the x-axis for each data point.

y = any

Positions on the y-axis for each data point. Multiple data points for the same group can be be aggregated using an aggregation function.

Multiple y values and their labels can be specified by using the record syntax: {name: value, ...}.

For example, y = {"Avg. Load": mean(load)} calculates the mean of the load field and labels it as Avg. Load.

x_min = any (optional)

If specified, only charts events where x >= x_min. If resolution is specified, x_min is floored to create a full bucket.

x_max = any (optional)

If specified, only charts events where x <= x_max. If resolution is specified, x_max is ceiled to create a full bucket.

y_min = any (optional)

If specified, any y values less than y_min will appear clipped out of the chart.

y_max = any (optional)

If specified, any y values greater than y_max will appear clipped out of the chart.

resolution = duration (optional)

This option can be specified to create buckets of the given resolution on the x-axis. An aggregation function must be specified to combine values in the same bucket when resolution is specified.

For example, if the resolution is set to 15min, the x values are floored to create buckets of 15 minutes. Any aggregations specified act on that bucket.

fill = any (optional)

Optional value to fill gaps and replace nulls with.

x_log = bool (optional)

If true, use a logarithmic scale for the x-axis.

Defaults to false.

y_log = bool (optional)

If true, use a logarithmic scale for the y-axis.

Defaults to false.

group = any (optional)

Optional expression to group the aggregations with.

position = string (optional)

Determines how the y values are displayed. Possible values:

  • grouped
  • stacked

Defaults to grouped.


Chart TCP metrics

This pipeline charts MBs read and written by different pipelines over TCP in hourly intervals for the past 24 hours.

metrics "tcp"
chart_area x=timestamp,
    y={tx: sum(bytes_written/1M), rx: sum(bytes_read/1M)},