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Version: v4.29


Visualizes events on an pie chart.

chart_pie label=field, value=any, [group=any]


Visualizes events with an pie chart on the Tenzir Platform.

label = field

Name of each slice on the chart.

value = any

Value of each slice on the chart. Multiple data points for the same group can be be aggregated using an aggregation function.

Multiple y values and their labels can be specified by using the record syntax: {name: value, ...}.

For example, y = {"Avg. Load": mean(load)} calculates the mean of the load field and labels it as Avg. Load.

group = any (optional)

Optional expression to group the aggregations with.


Chart count of events imported for every unique schema

metrics "import"
where timestamp > now() - 1d
chart_pie label=schema, value=sum(events)