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Version: v4.29


Sends events to Amazon Security Lake (ASL).

to_asl s3_uri:string, region=string, account_id=string, [timeout=duration]


The to_asl operator sends OCSF events to an Amazon Security Lake.

The events must match the Lakes selected OCSF event class. The operator does not perform any validation on the events. OCSF event classes supported by ASL can be found here.

The operator takes care of ASL's partitioning and file size requirements. The file names will be randomly generated UUIDs (v4) with a .parquet file extension.

s3_uri: string

The base URI for the S3 storage backing the lake in the form


Replace the placeholders as follows:

  • <bucket>: the bucket associated with your lake
  • <custom-source-name>: the name of your custom ASL source

This URI can be directly copied from the AWS security lake custom source interface.

region = string

The region for partitioning.

account_id = string

The AWS accountID or external ID chosen when creating the ASL custom source.


Be aware that the user running the Tenzir Node must have permissions to write to the given partition:


timeout = duration (optional)

A duration after which the operator will write to ASL, regardless of file size. ASL specifies this should be between 5min and 1d.

The default is 5min.


Send all stored OCSF Network Activity events to ASL

Given a AWS security lake running on eu-west-2, a custom source called tenzir_network_activity set up on that lake and an account with id 123456789012 for it:

let $s3_uri = "s3://aws-security-data-lake-eu-west-2-lake-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234/ext/tenzir_network_activity/"
where @name == "ocsf.network_activity"
to_asl $s3_uri,