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Version: v4.29


Writes a byte stream to a file.

save_file path:string, [append=bool, real_time=bool, uds=bool]


Writes a byte stream to a file.

path: string

The file path to write to. If intermediate directories do not exist, they will be created. When ~ is the first character, it will be substituted with the value of the $HOME environment variable.

append = bool (optional)

If true, appends to the file instead of overwriting it.

real_time = bool (optional)

If true, immediately synchronizes the file with every chunk of bytes instead of buffering bytes to batch filesystem write operations.

uds = bool (optional)

If true, creates a Unix Domain Socket instead of a normal file. Cannot be combined with append=true.


Save bytes to a file

save_file "/tmp/out.txt"

See Also

load_file, save_stdout