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Version: v4.29


Visualizes events on an line chart.

chart_line x=field, y=any, [x_min=any, x_max=any, y_min=any, y_max=any,
                            resolution=duration, fill=any, x_log=bool,
                            y_log=bool, group=any]


Visualizes events with an line chart on the Tenzir Platform.

x = field

Positions on the x-axis for each data point.

y = any

Positions on the y-axis for each data point. Multiple data points for the same group can be be aggregated using an aggregation function.

Multiple y values and their labels can be specified by using the record syntax: {name: value, ...}.

For example, y = {"Avg. Load": mean(load)} calculates the mean of the load field and labels it as Avg. Load.

x_min = any (optional)

If specified, only charts events where x >= x_min. If resolution is specified, x_min is floored to create a full bucket.

x_max = any (optional)

If specified, only charts events where x <= x_max. If resolution is specified, x_max is ceiled to create a full bucket.

y_min = any (optional)

If specified, any y values less than y_min will appear clipped out of the chart.

y_max = any (optional)

If specified, any y values greater than y_max will appear clipped out of the chart.

resolution = duration (optional)

This option can be specified to create buckets of the given resolution on the x-axis. An aggregation function must be specified to combine values in the same bucket when resolution is specified.

For example, if the resolution is set to 15min, the x values are floored to create buckets of 15 minutes. Any aggregations specified act on that bucket.

fill = any (optional)

Optional value to fill gaps and replace nulls with.

x_log = bool (optional)

If true, use a logarithmic scale for the x-axis.

Defaults to false.

y_log = bool (optional)

If true, use a logarithmic scale for the y-axis.

Defaults to false.

group = any (optional)

Optional expression to group the aggregations with.


Chart published events

This pipeline charts number of events published by each pipeline over 30 minute intervals for the past 24 hours.

metrics "publish"
chart_line x=timestamp,